The Bully's Diary 22 - Shattering Hearts

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Hey guys!! Oooh, so what could the title mean?! You'll have to read on and see ;) Anyway I hope you guys like part 22, and enjoy, my little munchkins :D<3x

p.s the external link is to some Keane lyrics that I think really relate to part 21 and 22. ^___^ If you read em it might help you understand how Carolina or Matt feels :3 anyways, if you want to listen to the song I've added a YouTube link also. :) PLEASE LISTEN :DD <3x

When I'd finally finished my sandwich that I hadn't even eaten much of, I started to walk back to Matt's room. It was just unbelievable how I'd said he might wake up.. And he had! But did he remember me? Or the baby? No, no, stupid question. Of course he does. He has to. I reached Matt's room and was relieved to see that I hadn't been seeing things, and he was awake. He spotted me looking at him through the window, then looked back down at his hands again. Surely he should be happy that he's woken up? Oh well..

When I entered the room he didn't look up again, but it was clear that he was thinking. I calmly walked over to the bed and sat down in the plastic chair next to him. I slipped my hand into his and he sighed, staring off into the distance. He turned his head and opened his mouth, obviously struggling to speak.

"Ad-ad-ad-" He started. Oh God, not this again..

"What is it? A drink?" I asked thoughtfully. That had to be it. He shook his head vigorously and frowned in frustration.

"Adrianna!" He suddenly blurted out. No. No. No!

I fell to the floor, shaking but no tears came. My eyes watered but I couldn't cry. My world fell apart, everything collapsed, including me. How could he do this?! I clutched my sides, aching all over. My heart shattered and I felt like I was bleeding inside. No... Why? He can't.. No.. Why is this happening to me?

"No." It came out in a whisper. Matt gave me a confused and concerned look as I continued to shake violently.

Then the question I had been fearing for weeks came.

"Who are you?".

And then the tears came out, a whole waterfall. Why does this have to happen to me? ...

"Please. No. Tell me, just say you remember!" I cried out. "Tell me you remember! Please, please, you do! Come on!" I yelled, clutching at him. He leaned away from me, a shocked look on his face.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, looking down.

That was when my world ended.

Hey guys!! Sorry it's incredibly short but I felt like this one needed to be left at that.. Anyway the next one will be about someone else's point of view, okay and I can't wait to write it!!! <3x





p.s - I have so many ideas for this story omg x

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