The Bully's Diary 26 - Insanity

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Hey guys!! So, part 26 is finally here :3 not much to say at the moment, so.. enjoy!!<3x

The morning came too fast for me, and before I knew it I was once again treading down the school hallways. Except this time there wasn't the familiar click-clack of heels on the polished floor, just the stomp noises of my black studded boots. I think it would've been an appropriate time to say that I truly did look like death. But hey, that's what depression does to you. As I walked swiftly down the hallways everyone seemed to be looking at me. Not just looking, though; pointing, whispering to each other. This wasn't just making me suspicious, it was making me damn paranoid!

When I got closer to my locker to get my books, even more muttering started among the crowds of students in the hallway. What was with people today?! Then, I saw what the commotion was about.

Taped to my locker, there was quite a large-sized photo of me and Mr. Clatherly. Kissing. I gasped when I saw it and covered my mouth with my hands. Below the picture was a note. Better watch your back, Carolina, it read. Now that I concentrated on the whispers of the people around me, I knew what they were saying as I ripped the picture off of my locker in disgust, crumpling it in my fist.

"Hey, isn't that her?"

"Yeah, the slag who did it with the R.E teacher!”

"Oh my God, what a bitch. I can't believe she'd stoop that low."

"Idiot. She deserves it."

Despite the fact that I'd been running away from things like this for weeks, months now, I did it again. I just couldn't stand what people were saying about me. I fled down the hallway, breaking into a run as people were still pointing, and this time they didn't hide what they were saying. People yelled insults at me, each one striking a blow that hit harder every time. To my horror, there wasn't just one picture of me and Mr. Clatherly. There were copies taped to the walls, doors of bathrooms, classrooms, everywhere you can think of, there was a copy of that same agonizing photo of us in the same pose.

It was tantalizing. Humiliating. Horrifying. All of those horrible feelings rolled into one, mixing up to create one that describes it all perfectly- insanity.

I tore every picture of us in my sight as I ran, stampeding down the hallway as fast as I could manage. This was crazy; there was no way I could get rid of all of them! And so, I did the only thing I could. I rushed to the parking lot and almost tripped in my haste to get out of the school gates. Thank God I didn't wear heels or anything to school anymore. I could still hear people shouting abuse as I went, "Slag, slag, slag!". Tears ran freely down my cheeks as I made it out of the school site. I was sick of it all now. I finally reached a kind of safe place, quite near my neighborhood. Not long till home now. Then today's over.

It seemed like it'd taken hours to get to my house's driveway, and when I did, I felt relief- sheer relief that I'd managed to escape. I was tired as hell, but I'd made it, right? Mom and Daddy weren't home, which was good because then they wouldn't witness what I had to do now. The other students' ridiculing words whirled around in my mind, they just wouldn't leave me alone! I ran to the fridge, taking out a large glass bottle of clear liquid. Next I went to the medicine cabinet, and found the headache pills. Well, at least I figured they were headache pills. I just hoped they were, because my head was pounding like a million drums.

I picked up both items and trudged up the stairs, thousands of thoughts running through my head.

Would it be over, though?

Would any of this ever, ever be over?

Hey guys!! Well, what do we think of part 26?!! Sorry it's really short again, but it has to be because the next part is when something has to happen. It's all written down in my planning book, muahahah!! Anyway, hope you liked that chapter aaaand...<3x





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