The Bully's Diary 19 - Explanations

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  • Dedicated to Miss. Chatwin :)

Hey guys!! So, part 19 already.. It's gone by so quick writing this but I really like writing it so yeah. I'm going to start writing the Aden Star book again soon because I haven't written any of it for absolutely ages (been so distracted by this one!!). So I hope you like this part and yeah, enjoy!!<3x

This chapter is dedicated to Miss. Chatwin my English teacher I have at the moment because she asked to read my story and she's really nice and also, on my last story she gave me some good feedback, which helped with future writing so thanks!! ^____^

When I got through the front door of our house, my parents were standing in the hallway waiting. My mom's hair was messy and she had slight shadows under her eyes, my daddy looked serious and disapproving. He had his hand round my mom's shoulders. I expected my mom to start shouting because of her expression, but then a runaway tear rolled down her cheek and she rushed forward to hug me.

"Where have you been?!" She cried, crushing me in a hug.

"I'm sorry, I thought I told you, I was at.. Jessica's house," I lied, "I slept round hers and I meant to call you but my phone went dead." I explained.

"Why didn't you call us using their phone, then?" My dad challenged, crossing his arms.

"I, um, didn't think of that." I said. That last part was a very bad excuse, but it would have to do. My dad sighed and went into the kitchen. "Mom- you're- crushing- me!" I protested, laughing.

"Sorry, darling. Look, next time you do that, make sure you call us, okay? I was so worried about you!" She said, letting go of me. "Are you hungry?" She asked.

"I will. And yeah, I kind of am, actually.." I said. It was true, I was ravenous.

"I'll make you some sandwiches." My mom beamed. I smiled at her before going upstairs and relaxing on my bed, staring at my ceiling. Then my phone started to ring, but I decided not to answer. It was Jessica, and I know I said I'd call her back but to be honest I just couldn't be bothered to explain anything.

"Carolina? Someone's here to see you, come down!" My mom called. I sighed and reluctantly got off my warm comforting bed to go downstairs. The walk down there seemed to take forever, but when I finally reached the front door, David was there. He smiled when he saw me.

"Hey." I greeted him.

"Hey, Carolina." He said, smiling shyly at me.

"Oh, um, come in." I replied, allowing him to pass me into the hallway before closing the door. We both awkwardly stood there, not quite knowing what to say. "Let's go upstairs." I suggested.

"Yeah, okay.." David agreed. The walk upstairs was, and there's no other way to put it, really- awkward. Nobody said anything as we trudged up there, and it seemed like it took forever before we finally reached my room.

When I opened the door and invited him in, I watched as he noticed the pictures of me and Matt on the walls. He kind of bit his lip and looked at me in anticipation- was he expecting me to have a breakdown any second or something?

"So, why'd you come here?" I asked. Might as well be straight with him..

"I, uh, I wanted to see if you were okay." He explained.

"Oh. Well, I'm fine." I answered coldly. I didn't know why, but I just couldn't be bothered to say more than I had to.

"Carolina, I need to talk to you about something.." He trailed off. Oh, great, he was gonna get all emotional with me. "But first, are you sure you're alright? I mean, Matt's in.. you know, and you're taking it pretty..".

"What? Are you surprised I'm coping? You think I'm just gonna break down at the very mention of his name?!" I challenged. I didn't know why, but I was angry. And every little thing he said annoyed me more.

"No, that's not it at all, I was just-" He tried to explain, but I cut him off again.

"Worried? That's what they all say!" I cried, a few tears escaping from my eyes and trickling down my cheeks.

"Carolina, I'll help you through this. I promise." He said firmly, taking me by the shoulders and wiping away my tears with his thumb. I sniffed and was touched by the gesture. What was wrong with me? My emotions were all over the place!

He pulled me into a hug and I clung to him as I sobbed over Matt. Or was it just over everything? The constant fear of being hurt, the abuse from yesterday, it was all coming back to me. And I was weak. Eventually he pulled me back.

"Carolina, I need to tell you something." David said, sitting me down on my bed before sitting next to me.

"What is it?" I asked in curiosity.

"I really- um- I- I really like you." He replied quickly. I pretended to be surprised but of course I'd known this all along- it wasn't really that much of a shock to me.

I didn't know why but he leaned in, and so did I, not even realizing what I was doing. Our lips met, but I didn't feel anything. Not even a few sparks- just nothing, really. He tried to deepen the kiss, and I let him, but after about thirty seconds it was just, well, boring. I pulled away subtly, trying to do it politely for some reason. I didn't want to hurt him.. Which sounds weird coming from me, but oh well.

David smiled shyly, blushing, and I tried to give him a reassuring smile back. To be honest I just felt guilty that this meant something to him, but not to me.

"Well, um, I better go.." He said.

"Okay. I would walk you to the door but um, I'm not feeling so good at the moment, I think I should stay up here, really.." I replied. It was a lousy excuse, and he looked a bit hurt, but I just wanted to be alone so I could think. We said goodbye and he left the room, leaving me once again, alone.

How the heck am I going to sort this out?

Hey guys!! Sorry this part is so short but it was really boring for me to write, part 20 will be more exciting though!! Pwomise :3 Anyways, hope you liked that chapter aaaand... <3x





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