The Bully's Diary 6 - Trickery & Deceit

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Hey guys!! Yay, 6 parts now!! :) So yeah, I hope you're enjoying the book so far and I hope you like this part, I hope for there to be some big twists soon, so yeah, as usual, enjoy my little munchkins!!<3 x

Finally, we reached the classroom and I returned Matt's jacket. We were a little late but I handed the nurse's note to our teacher, Miss. Lokely, and she nodded and told us to sit down. Sitting down at the back of the classroom, Matt laced my hand in his and I tried to give him a reassuring smile. I was surprised at how well my plan was going- now all I had to do was find Adrianna... then I could begin phase three of my plan. The only problem was how many lies I'd told! But it didn't matter at the moment- I would worry about it later.

Miss. Lokely droned on and on about algebra, but we weren't paying attention, and to be honest I don't think anyone was. I spotted Adrianna sitting in the front row and decided maybe I could fake a note from Matt... Oh yes, that would be hilarious. Cruel, but hilarious.

I tore some paper out of my exercise book and started to write on it. Matt was staring straight ahead of him- he wouldn't notice a thing. Quickly, I wrote:

Adrianna- I need to talk to you at break- meet me in the canteen, okay? - Matt x

Oh yes, that was perfect. Of course, it wouldn't really be Matt waiting for her, would it? I smiled to myself evilly and crumpled up the note in my hand. When Miss wasn't looking, I threw it at her back. I instantly turned my attention to my nails, pretending it wasn't me. I noticed that Matt had turned his attention to Adrianna- perfect. Looking at her from the corner of my eye, I watched as she turned, with an annoyed look on her face and picked up the ball of paper. She opened it out and read it as I grinned to myself. As she turned to look at Matt, I tried not to laugh- it was perfect timing, because their eyes met but Adrianna faced the front after Miss. Lokely told her to turn around.

Matt looked at me quizzically, so I stared back innocently. I watched as he shook his head and got his phone out.

"Wanna take a picture together?" He whispered, smiling.

"Sure." I replied quietly.

Making sure Miss. Lokely wasn't looking, he quickly raised his phone up and took it, him with his arm around me and our heads close together. We looked at it quickly before he shoved his phone back into his pocket, just in time, because Miss turned around. Luckily, she didn't spot us.

The bell finally rang signaling second period. We had Biology, and luckily it passed by in a flash as I chatted with Megan and Jessica. Break finally came, and I smiled deviously as I remembered that Adrianna would be meeting me in the canteen.

"Guys, I have to go to the canteen and buy some water, I'll be back soon." I told my friends. Megan offered to accompany me, but I told her it was okay and that I wouldn't be gone long anyway.

As I reached the canteen I laughed to myself quietly, spotting Adrianna sitting at a table by herself. She was wearing a dusky pink top and black skinny jeans with a silver heart necklace around her neck. Her bag was sitting on the chair next to her. I know I say this a lot, but it was perfect. She was so unsuspecting it was pathetic, but of course, it meant more fun for me.

As I entered the room, there was the usual reaction- nerds looking annoyed, canteen staff sighing and almost everyone was staring. Even Adrianna looked up as I came in, and then looked down again.

I made my way over to the table, and she had a confused look on her face as I casually sat down with her. The whole canteen seemed to have gasped as I sat down- it looked like word had already spread of Adrianna and Matt.

"Weren't expecting anyone, were you?" I asked sweetly, "Good." I said, not waiting for a reply. "Oh, no wait, you must've been expecting Matt! Of course." I smiled.

"What?" She asked. I had to stop myself from laughing at the confused look in her eyes.

"Yeah, that's right. I might've done that little note earlier, but don't worry, I'm sure we can have a nice girly heart-to-heart.." I said, gripping her wrist from across the table. She tried to pull her wrist out of my grip, but as I've mentioned many times before, I'm strong. She soon gave up.

"You're such a bitch, Carolina!" She groaned.

"Say what, skank?! Me? A bitch? Hun, I wasn't the one trying to steal someone else's boyfriend yesterday!" I retorted.

"He kissed me, I didn't even want to steal him!" The stupid girl replied.

"Don't even try to justify what you did!" I yelled, and the whole canteen went silent. Of course, no-one tried to stop me- not even the dinner ladies. Sorry, did I forget to mention my daddy could easily fire them?

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Bitch, don't try and apologize to me. But don't worry, I'll make sure that everything bad happens to you. I'm gonna make your life hell, as I've told you many times before... But you just don't listen, do you?!" I threatened, tightening my grip on her wrist.

She whimpered in pain and I smiled in satisfaction at her pained expression.

"Oh, and by the way," I added thoughtfully, "Party tonight, Matt's place, 9pm. Make sure you're there or I make sure that next time my grip is on your neck." I said, and with that, I let go of her and left her there to deal with the burn I'd left on her wrist.

Phase two of my plan is complete. Now for phase three.

So, my little munchkins, what did you think of part six?!! :D and what has Carolina got in store for Adrianna at the partay?! You'll have to wait and see, so for now happy new year!! <3 x oh I almost forgot-




:) x

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