The Bully's Diary 37 - In Any Battle, There Will Always Be A Loss..

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  • Dedicated to Georgie Blackwell

Hey guys!! I can't believe it's part 37 already, I only know how this story (roughly) will end, but I don't know what to write in-between... haha, anyway enjoy!! <3x

"Come on, we have to hurry. We can't let them capture her." Dare said, and reached out for my hand. I clasped it tightly and took Shade's hand also. We flashed to another part of the forest and spotted Adrianna running, almost tripping. Dream and David were furiously following her, almost able to grab her, but luckily, she was fast. Shade had a determined look on her face and began to flap her giant wings which raised her upwards. She started to fly at an incredible speed, following Adrianna.

She got lower, closer to Adrianna so she could pick her up. Shade gathered her up into her arms as Adrianna screamed in shock, thinking it was Dream. Suddenly Dream rushed forwards in the air, sword in hand. He tried to take a swipe at Shade, but narrowly missed. She glanced behind her and yelped in fright.

"We have to help them!" I cried.

"There's nothing we can do." Dare sighed.

"There is. We can fight." I said confidently. But I needed a weapon... A bright silver, ruby-encrusted sword suddenly materialized by my feet and I gave a whoop of triumph as I picked it up. I was about to run after David, but Dare grabbed my arm.

"Stop! You can't!" He yelled.

"I have to." I muttered, and shook my arm so he would let go, but he held on. "I'm sorry to have to do this." I whispered before taking my sword and lightly slicing his hand. He cried out in shock and let go of my arm. Then I went speeding off.

I ran through the trees at lightning speed, trying not to stumble over tree roots. Dare was calling after me and shouting at me to stop and come back, but I kept on sprinting through the forest after David, sword in hand. He was running too fast. I couldn't catch up- but I had to try. I was getting exhausted now and almost slowed, but I pushed on, running and running till I thought my legs would drop off. David looked over his shoulder and spotted me sprinting towards him determinedly with my blade in hand. He stopped in his tracks and spread his arms out as if he was taunting me, a smirk plastered on his face. I was getting closer to him by the second, and I knew I could make it. Just a few metres away now, I thought. Come on, come on, come on!

I urged myself to run faster, until I came to a halt just a few inches away from him. I took a deep breath before plunging the blade into his heart, and at first his expression was one of shock, but then he smirked. He turned into a mist in front of me, and there was no trace of blood on the ground from the stab that should've been fatal! Without warning, there was a huge crash from above and a body landed just by my feet. I screamed in shock when I saw her. The white wings were torn and broken, her robe ripped as if it'd been shredded, and her left wing had been ripped straight off! I dropped to my knees next to her as I saw a bloody, gruesome wound in her chest.

"Shade!" I whispered in fear, caressing her face and stroking her hair. "Shade, what happened?".

"It was Dream. We fought a battle, but.. It looks like he won. I'm sorry, but this is where I have to leave you." She whispered back, looking at me sadly.

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