The Bully's Diary 28 - Awakened

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  • Dedicated to Amelia Éclatmerdelicorne Crissnikkilopez Boo

Hey guys!! Okay well I hope you like this chapter, sorry the last one was so short AGAIN but hopefully this will be longer, and yep I know, I say that every time!! SORREHHH <3x

It was finally going to be over. I'd been waiting far too long. But it was all going to be alright. There's nothing to live for, nobody will miss me, and it was finally going to be over.

Goodbye, life. You meant nothing to me anyway.

Just as I was slipping away from reality, two firm hands pulled me by the shoulders, back up to the surface. I thrashed around in the icy water, still feeling numb. No. No! I didn't want to be saved. I wanted to die. No, no, no, don't destroy my hope of having eternal peace! This can't be happening. I had to stay under, I was so close to finally leaving this place.. They continued to pull me back up from the water and I coughed and spluttered, trying to open my eyes but it felt like they were glued shut. I was lifted up into their strong arms and was carried bridal style. I could feel us moving somewhere in the house.

I felt drowsy and tired, but desperately tried to stay awake. Whoever it was must've noticed my struggles.

"Sleep, my darling." A male voice spoke softly in my ear.

I reluctantly drifted off into an easy slumber.


When I awakened I was still feeling numb. My ears felt like they were blocked somehow, and I could only hear muffled voices around me. My eyes fluttered open and I recognized where I was, even though my vision wasn't clear. White walls, heart monitor, nurses, a scene I'd woken up to far too many times now. I could see Mom and Daddy sitting beside me, worried looks on their faces.

"Carolina? Can you hear us?" My mom asked, finally breaking through to me and clasping my hand.

"Why? Why did you do it?!" Daddy questioned. It was horrible seeing them like this but I felt so dead inside.

"I'm sick of it all, Daddy. I just want it to stop." I tried to say. It came out in a wheezing rasp but they heard me.

"You have so much to live for, Carrie." He replied, shaking his head. My mom leaned forward to hug me and I tried my best to hug back even though I had hardly any energy.

"Sweetie, why were you in the bath tub? I saw the vodka and pills, and I really thought we'd lost you! Please, honey, tell us why you did it. Then we can help you." My mom said as she was clinging to me.

I mumbled in response but apart from that was silent. I felt sick to my stomach.

"Carrie, your father and I have been talking, and we think it'd be best if.." My mom trailed after letting go of me.

My mom and daddy looked at each other in worry, then looked back at me. Daddy took me by the shoulders and looked into my eyes.

"We think it'd be best if we put you in a mental institution, Carrie. It's not permanent but it's for your own safety, and-" Daddy continued.

"No!" I screamed, jolting upright in the hospital bed.

"Honey, please. Calm down, it's only because we don't want to lose you. We almost did, and we don't want to let it happen again-" Mom said.

"I'm not crazy! No! No!" I yelled, kicking and screaming. "I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy!" I cried, hugging my knees to my chest and rocking backwards and forwards on the bed. Daddy tried to restrain me and nodded at a nurse who'd been staring. I screamed and screamed as they pinned me down, my mom crying in her chair. She had her head in her hands.

The nurse came towards me with a needle in hand, and I cried out even more at the sight of it, tears rolling down my cheeks.

She got it ready and I felt it pierce my skin, injecting me with what was supposed to be a calming drug, I think.

I slipped away into a deep sleep.

How could they do this to me?

Hey guys!! So, what did we think of that part?? :OOO I can't wait to write the next part, should be interesting :DD anyways..<3x





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