The Bully's Diary 23 - Play Along..

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Hey guys!! So, this part is from someone else's point of view, and I hope you like it!! Anyways enjoy my little munchkins!<3x

 sorry, forgot to mention this is set when Carolina is getting a sandwich at the cafeteria!!

*      unknown person's point of view - for now ;)     *

I walked down the deserted hospital hallway, thinking how I had about ten minutes before she'd be back. I'd planned this well- the timing was just right. What could possibly stop me now? I reached Matt's door and went in quietly. He looked up, surprised, expecting to see his little Carrie at the door. I smirked as I walked towards him.

"Hello, Matt. I'm a student Doctor here.. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions?" I said politely, holding my hand out for him to shake. He uncertainly shook my hand and grunted a small hello. Obviously couldn't speak much, then.

"Right. Well," I started, sitting down by him. "You got family with you here?". He shook his head and sighed. "Okay, well who's here for you?".

"C-C-Caroli-" He tried to say.

"Right, yes, I understand. I believe you mean Carolina." He looked up at me in surprise and shock, but nodded his head. It was time.

I suddenly got up from my chair, knocking it backwards as I went for Matt. I grabbed a handful of his hair and smashed his head against the wall. He cried out in pain but I clamped my hand over his mouth. No matter how hard he tried to bite, I didn't react. He struggled against me and I shushed him into a scared silence.

"Listen to me." I commanded, "You are going to pretend not to remember Carolina. Or anything about her. You will not mention anything you remember. Stare at her blankly, look confused, that should do it." I snarled. He looked at me in fear and I smirked.

"Oh, and from now on your girlfriend is Adrianna. And see, that's what your little Carrie was so upset about at that 'party'. Oh yes, you and Adrianna, how sweet.." I said, tightening my grip on his mouth. "You will ignore Carrie, laugh at her if she's embarrassed by people, and believe me- she will be. You won't ask why. Just do it." I growled mischievously.

He whimpered and tried to struggle once more out of my intense grip.

"Oh, I almost forgot. You're gonna struggle to speak, and stutter Ad. Then, you'll cry out 'Adrianna' and ask who she is. Right? Good. By the way, if you don't do this, your sweet little Carrie will die. In the worst way possible. I'll make sure of it." I whispered in his ear.

I quickly ripped my hand off of his mouth and wiped it down my trousers, but still holding his head with my other hand.

"Who- are- you?!" He cried, writhing.

"Someone your little Carrie has been with while you were in a coma. We were pretty close, you know. Romance. But no, she had to go and end it.." I growled, trailing off. He stared at me in confusion.

I gave his head one last hit on the wall, and swept off, leaving him groaning, holding his head in his hands. What, you think I should've made sure he would do it? Believe me- he will.

I guess you could say- Carrie's life is in his hands. Or mine. I mean, I could easily torture her to death. Oh, how I wish I could...


"My Lord. I've done it. She's ours." I said in a rush. My mind was spinning with all the rewards I might get.

"Good, good. One step closer now. One step closer to insanity... Then she's mine. Remember, you work for me to live. She's not ours. She's mine." He replied.

"Sir, if you don't mind me saying, I did do pretty well for a first mission. Could I possibly have a tiny, tiny reward?" I asked hopefully.

"I guess you did. A Bit. Therefore, I grant you one visit to your brother in the underworld prison. You have-" He paused and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. "Two hours with him. Now leave." He finished.

"Thank you, my Lord!" I said gratefully, bowing.

"Yes, yes, now leave me alone. I need to think about this."

Oh, but she is ours. I'll have my fair share of her. He'll see...

I swept off out of his window, my wings taking me through the pits of fire and suffering below me. The air was thick with blood and screams. Prisoners stared at my crimson red broken wings as I flew effortlessly through the sky, flying to my betraying brother. He was in this prison, somewhere. I couldn't wait to tell him about this one..


Hey guys!! Well, I hope you liked that chapter, any guesses on who they are?? Ooooh, suspense :D anyways, next part will be up soon and...<3x

Oh and can anyone guess where the mystery character was in the ending paragraphs??<3x





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