The Bully's Diary 31 - Revelations

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Hey guys!! I'm sorry it's been like 5 days or more since I last updated but I've been ill pretty much all week and missed a lot of school in the process..  Not good considering I have some kind of exams next week -,- Anyway on with chapter 31!! Enjoy<3x

When I opened my eyes again I was confused and disorientated. Wait. Did I kiss him? No.. That wasn't like me. Was it..? Curse all these annoying questions! Alright, calm down, Carolina. That isn't important anymore. Just concentrate on where you are and try and figure out a way to leave.

"You can't leave." A voice spoke from behind me. I whirled round and spotted Dream, sitting on the aqua blue orb chewing something. The scent of it drifted over- strawberry bubblegum. Gosh, can't he lay off those sweets for five minutes?

"And why not?" I challenged, but I was shivering from the cold. Lucky old him, he happened to be wearing that black suit again, red rose in the pocket and a black hood over his head; I happened to be wearing a beige-coloured thin flowing dress, with long sleeves and the dress was so long it trailed on the floor. If there was a floor- all I could see was white!

"Because." He answered simply like a child. I frowned. Couldn't anyone just give me some answers around here?

"You can only leave when I tell you to." He continued. "It's my job to stay here with you until.. they want you." He finished, popping his bubblegum.

"Until who wants me?!" I asked in worry.

 "That is not of your concern." He said coldly. This guy was so.. so.. annoying! He had mood swings all the time, as well.

"Are we even gonna talk about what happened.. uh- yesterday?" I questioned.

"Nope." He answered, popping the 'p'. I frowned at him and crossed my arms. "I do have something to tell you though. It's a bit of a proposition." Dream said matter-of-factly.

"What?" I enquired.

"I can tell you what Matt's thinking." He told me. I looked at him in shock and confusion.

"And how would you do that?" I asked.

"I have my ways." Dream muttered.

"What makes you think I wanna know what he's thinking?" I challenged.

"Look, do you wanna know his true feelings for you and Adrianna or not?" He hissed in my ear.

"I already know them. He doesn't remember me, and he likes her." I stated bitterly. He rubbed his brow and groaned in exasperation. "And anyway, I don't want to know." I tried to say firmly, but my voice cracked. He noticed this and I swear I heard him laugh darkly. He inched closer towards me and I smelt his sickeningly sweet breath as it fanned over my face again.

"He never loved you. Your parents never loved you, either, oh yes I see it now; little Carrie, an accident, never meant to be born but still alive. You did them a favour trying to kill yourself, too bad you failed. Your father only stopped you as a cover-up, so that later he could kill you himself. Nobody would suspect him, would they-" Dream kept whispering harshly in my ear. I writhed in his arms as he lied to me.

"Stop it! Shut up, that's not true!" I screamed angrily, kicking at him with my legs.

"Oh, but it is. Nobody would suspect a doting father who actually stopped his daughter's tragic suicide; how could he ever kill her himself? Well, Carrie, that's what he was planning.. And back to Matt, well, he never loved you. Didn't even like you. You were just too clingy and persistant, so you didn't notice, did you? Well, maybe the amount of times he ran off with Adrianna convinced you." He continued to torment me as I struggled.

"I'll never believe you! I don't even know who you are, I've never seen your face!" I yelled. He whirled me around to face him and let go of my arms.

His hands went up to his black hood and I gasped as he slowly lifted it down.

"Hello, Carrie." He grinned.

The messy black hair, the captivating grey eyes, the dazzling smile..

Mr. Clatherly.

Hey guys!! So, ooooh so we finally know who Dream is!! :OO what do you think?? Well PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE give me some feedback on this one ok ^____^ Or if there's no time to comment, just give me a few votes? Would really help me out. Anyway hope you enjoyed part 31, and...<3x





 update: Ok now there's an image on the side of who I can now reveal as Mr. Clatherly ^____^ So yeah that's what he looks like, made the cover myself :3 hope ya like it!

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