The Bully's Diary 30 - Empty Space

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Hey guys!! Wow I can't believe it's part 30 already :DD there is much to come, though.. Lots of stuff still planned for this book even though I have no idea how it will end so when it comes to that you'll have to give me some time to work it out ok!! Hehehe. Anyway.. enjoy!!<3x

When I opened my eyes all I saw was white. There had been a lot of that lately, except this time it looked like an empty white space; apart from a glowing aqua orb in the distance. I took a few steps towards it cautiously. What was it? As I neared the orb I saw Dream casually sitting on it, as if he was waiting for something.. Waiting for me? He lifted his head and I guessed that meant he'd seen me.

"Carrie. You took a while." He said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. I didn't answer as I came closer, and stopped when I was a few metres away from the orb.

"Where am I?" I whispered, looking around. All I could see around me was a white mist.

"You ask me that a lot. Well, anyway, you're in your mind. Does that answer your question?" Dream answered.

"Not entirely." I replied. "I still don't know who you are."

"And I still don't know why you wanted to kill yourself. So tell me. Why?" He asked.

"Not until you tell me who you are." I said with a new-found confidence.

"Carrie, Carrie, Carrie." Dream sighed, jumping off the orb with a thud. He started to walk in circles around me as I flinched away from him. "What's the matter, hm?" He said. I didn't answer.

"I've already told you. I am Dream. Is that so hard to remember?" He asked softly, but for some reason it sounded almost threatening."I don't know why you're so afraid. I'm here to help you." He whispered in my ear, his breath tickling me.

He raised a hand to my face and for a moment I thought he was going to slap me. But he only used a finger to lift up my chin, making me look at him. I still couldn't see his face, but for a split second I swear I saw some glittering grey eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt you.." He said quietly, and his face drew closer to mine. His lips looked irresistible and he smelt like mints, in a comforting way. He got even closer but when our lips were about to touch, he abruptly turned and took a few steps away from me.

"Dream?" I asked quietly. He turned around sighed.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Are you an.. angel?" I enquired.

"No, I'm quite the opposite." He chuckled. The opposite?

"Then why are you dressed all in white?" I challenged.

"Oh, you humans and your superstitions.." He muttered under his breath, but I heard him. Wait, us humans? He was human himself, right? Suddenly, with a snap of his fingers, he was dressed in an all-black suit. "That better?" He breathed.

"If you're not human, what are you?" I said.

"Who said I wasn't?" He retorted.

"You said, 'you humans and your superstitions'. So you're not human." I replied timidly.

"That doesn't matter now." He snarled. Wow, mood swing much? "Now, tell me. Why did you try to commit suicide?" He asked again, in a calmer tone.

"It's a long story." I said.

"I'm a good listener." He told me, and so, I told him about everything. The crash, Matt not remembering, Adrianna abusing me, me being humiliated in the canteen that day- everything, all the way up to when I decided to end it.

"So what stopped you from dying?" He asked when I'd finished.

"Someone found me and pulled me up to the surface. They whispered something and I fell asleep, next thing I know I'm in a hospital and my parents are disowning me." I started to cry.

"Disowning you? How so?" He asked. "Oh, right.. The mental institution. And here we are now." He seemed to mutter to himself. He walked over to me and put an arm around my shoulder. He was as cold as ice like before, but I didn't care. I sobbed even harder and he held me as I cried.

Maybe I could trust him after all?

Our faces grew closer again as tears still streamed down my face, and this time he didn't look like he was going to turn and walk away. I could feel his hot breath on my face and it smelt like cherry bubblegum. He obviously liked bubblegum, then...

His lips touched mine and sparks went off in my heart as our mouths crashed together. It was gentle but loving, somehow. My lips felt like they were on fire and still burned even when he'd pulled away. I could only see the faint features of his face, but his eyes were the only features that stood out. They were definitely grey.

I collapsed onto him and he put his strong arms around me, clasping me close as if he'd never let go.

Hey guys!! So, oooooh what do we think of Dream now?? Sinister or sweet? (I'll be asking you that a lot). Leave your answers in the comments below or message me somehow if you know me or whatever :3 Anyway I hope you liked that chapter as it was a little bit improvised!!<3x





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