The Bully's Diary 34 - Taken Prisoner

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Hey guys!!! Omg so I'm really happy at the moment because this story just hit 1,014 reads!!!! (as I type this) - It's not a lot compared to others but I really do owe it all to you guys, the readers, so thank you soooo much!! Enjoy this part my little munchkins ily<3x

by the way, the picture on the side is a drawing by Tia Briers, my best friend, who drew Adrianna for me! :) It's awesome so yeah that's what she looks like!! <3x

Adrianna was curled up in the corner of the cell, tear streaks down her cheeks. She looked awful. And when I say awful, I mean really awful. She had huge dark shadows under her eyes, bruises on her face and arms, cuts and scars.. She was dressed in her normal clothes, unlike others I'd seen earlier, but they were torn and ripped. She looked dangerously thin, and had a long scar on one side of her face.

"Adrianna?" I asked uncertainly.

"Carolina.. I'm.. So sorry you have to be here. And about when I attacked you, it wasn't me- David had control of me! I'm so sorry." Adrianna cried, breaking down into sobs. Despite all she'd done, I felt a tiny bit of guilt and sympathy. So I did something I would never have even considered doing about a month or so ago- I went and sat down on the floor next to her.

"It's alright." I murmured, awkwardly patting her shoulder. She sniffed and looked at me in surprise, but then pulled me into a hug. I was shocked at first, but hugged her back despite everything, just needing someone. We clung onto each other and sobbed for all of our losses. We both pulled away at the same time, and she smiled nervously at me. I smiled back as well. Hang on, did I just make a friend out of an enemy? ... Oh well. Better than having nobody, right?

"What are we gonna do?" She said worriedly.

"I don't know. I really don't know." I muttered, rubbing my face.

The man who had taken Shade suddenly appeared out of thin air, and started to unlock the cell bars.

"Hey! You! Where's Shade?!" I yelled at him, getting up and running to the bars.

"She's in a cell with all the other Guardians." He muttered back, as if I hadn't just shouted at him.

"Guardians?" I asked in disbelief. She'd said nothing about Guardians.. And what were they anyway?!

The man sighed, "Yes. Guardians. Shade is a Guardian. You didn't know?" He questioned.

"She never said anything about it.." I murmured.

"Well, she is. Now here's your water. Share it, but don't drink it all at once because there won't be any more until tomorrow." The man concluded, pulling the bars so he could pass me a bottle of water.

"Tomorrow?!" I cried in disbelief as I took the water.

"If you're good, I might bring you some more before then." He replied.

"What's your name, anyway?" I asked.

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