The Bully's Diary 9 - The Ugly Truth

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Hey guys!! So, the next part is finally here! I'm still very busy with art-work (the teacher gave us this huge project and it's a final piece so yeah) and to be honest as I write this I have no idea where it's all going, and I have absolutely no idea when this story will end :P Anyway, enjoy my little munchkins!!<3 x


 Beep. Beep. Beep. The sound of the heart monitor awakened me, and the sounds of various voices.


An electrifying zap went through my body, shaking me to the core.


The two metal plates hit my body again.


I gasped in shock with the last hit on my chest, and my eyes shot open. There was a commotion around me of doctors, one of them putting the things that had zapped me down. I was given a glass of water, but I couldn't drink it very well. Something was wrong with my swallowing.

I put my hand to my face and I could feel tubes taped into place, like snakes gripping me tighter by the second. I struggled to remember what had happened to get me here, but before I could, I fell back into a slumber as I felt the bed being rolled along the floor.


"Carolina, sweetheart?" I heard a gentle voice murmur. Was I dead? Was it an angel who'd come to take me to heaven?

"Carolina, please, please wake up... I need to know that you're okay." I was fighting to get back up to the surface, but it felt like I was drowning. I tried desperately to thrash and kick with my arms, but I couldn't get up... I couldn't...

I felt a hand clasp mine. Mom?

"M-m-mom.." I managed to murmur. It was barely audible, but they heard me at last. My eyes fluttered open. I saw my mom sitting by my bed with tear streaks down her cheeks, and she was smiling at me as she saw I had awakened.

"Hi, honey," she said gently.

"What happened?" I questioned, feeling weak.

"You were in an accident, a car accident. Honey, why did you get in the car with Matt when he was drunk?!" Mom asked in disbelief.

"What?" I asked, confused. But I was sure I'd been driving...

"Sweetie, he was driving, wasn't he?" She asked again.

"Mom... I was driving." I said in barely a whisper.

"Why would you do something so stupid?! You were drunk and decided to drive?! Do you have any idea how dangerous that is? For you and everyone else!" She scolded me.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, Mom, and I know..." I said, starting to sob.

"Oh, hon, it's okay, shh. It's alright." She said, hugging me tight. I snuggled into her and she stroked my matted hair. I started to cry, and after that I couldn't stop.

"Wh-Where's d-daddy?" I stuttered through my sobs.

"He's gone to get something to eat, he's a bit.. tired." She explained.

"Oh, okay." I replied, sniffing. Suddenly I sat bolt upright.

"What about Matt?! Is he alright? And the people in the other car?!" I asked frantically. How could I forget about Matt?

"The other people are doing fine, don't worry, and Matt- well, he's alive, but he's not looking too good... Hon, Matt's in a coma." Mom told me, holding my hand again.

Then my whole world fell apart.

Hey again!! Sorry this part is so horribly short, but I wanted to get something out there. Anyway I'll work on part 10 sooooon, okay?! It's been a bit of a lazy day and one of my friends *cough* Magdalena *cough* is making it hard to concentrate phahaha!! Ly really ok. So yeah, hope you liked that part and as always... <3




:) x

p.s almost forgot, I'm writing a new story called 'Can't Be Alone', and I've only just started so part 1 isn't up yet but it might be soon. It's a paranormal horror, so if you're interested and like that kind of thing, then yeah check it out when the first part's up! :) <3

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