The Bully's Diary 33 - And I Thought It Was All Okay..

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  • Dedicated to Tia Briers

Hey guys!! :DD not much to say.. again. Lul. Enjoy!! <3x

"Hey, Carrie, wake up!" A voice said sharply. For a moment I panicked, thinking Dream was back to get me. I screamed in fright and a hand quickly muffled me by covering my mouth. I opened my eyes and looked around in fear, but it was only Shade above me.

"Shh! He can't hear you." Shade hissed.

"Whaaa?" I asked in confusion.

"Just be quiet until I say you can talk. Got it?" She replied sharply. I nodded quietly.

"Look, I know you're in there, there's really no point hiding!" A voice yelled, and there was a banging noise on the door as if someone on the other side was rapping on it with their fist.

Shade put a finger to her lips to signal for me to stay silent.

"If you don't open this door, I'm gonna f***ing knock it down myself!" The voice yelled again. It was Dream!

"Dream, you're not gonna get through to them like that. They're obviously not going to open the door, you blithering idiot-" Another voice was whispering to Dream.

"Shut up!" Dream hissed back. Then there were even louder bangs on the door. He was going to knock the door down!

Suddenly the door was ripped off of its hinges and flung easily away by a muscular arm. Sunlight streamed into the room, blinding me. There was a dark silhouette at the door, standing there. It was Dream, and there was another tall figure next to him.

"Grab her!" Dream cried, and the next thing I knew, Shade had swept me up into her arms. Her giant white wings unfolded from her back and she spread them out almost as if she was proud of them. And then they started to flap. We were lifted off the ground and before I could even begin to comprehend what was happening, we were in the air outside! Shade had swooped past Dream and the other man with him, almost knocking them over!

The wind whipped at my face, and it was freezing cold, but I didn't notice much. I was too busy thinking about the fact that we were flying! We were high up in the clear blue sky now, me still in Shade's arms. I gave a whoop of joy as I saw Dream and the man still on the ground below, jumping up and down in what seemed like rage. Shade swooped to the left and I could see fields and bright green grass below me; we were higher than the treetops! I grinned like a mad woman as we flew above what looked like.. The mental institution?!

"Don't worry! You aren't going back there!" Shade called to me over the noise of the wind. Oh yeah, I forgot. She reads minds.

"You have five seconds to get your asses back on the ground before I start tearing you apart! Five, four-" A voice started to shout at us. I tried my best to turn and see who it was- and as soon as I saw them I so, so wish I hadn't looked.

Behind us but at the same height as us in the sky, were Dream and the man. The man was also wearing a suit, but had what looked like broken shackles attached to his arms and feet. Dream had jet black wings on his back too! Why had I never noticed them before?!

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