The Bully's Diary 4 - Cheaters & Revenge

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Author's Note: This book is now in editing (as of January 2015). If the tenses are messed up compared to the rest of the book, it's because I may be changing things around quite a lot.

When lunchtime finally came, and I could sit down with all of my friends at our table, it was a huge relief. Finally, some time to relax and refresh my make-up. I had already smudged a bit of mascara and needed to put some more concealer on just to be sure it wasn't noticeable, then more mascara and lipstick. I am pretty much addicted to putting lipstick on, as you may have already guessed. I made my way over to our table with Matt and my friends, and I sat down with a sandwich that I only picked at. As I was starting to get my make-up bag out of my handbag, I noticed Adrianna walking through the canteen with her tray of food. Milk, a cheese sandwich and a small cookie. Suddenly, I had an idea.

As she passed our table, I stuck my foot out in-front of her. The milk sloshed onto the floor, some of it splashing into her hair! The cheese sandwich flopped onto the floor, the cookie practically crumbs now. Everyone in the canteen started laughing at her, and I grinned as I high-fived Jessica. Matt caught my eye, his expression a mix of horror and disgust for a split second, then masked with a smile- but I know what I saw. Surely he didn't actually care about Adrianna? She slowly got up, flushed. Tears were rolling down her cheek in humiliation. She picked up her bag that had a few splatters of her drink on it, and ran, almost scuttled, out of the canteen.

No matter what Matt is thinking, I have to keep my promise about humiliating her and dragging her through hell, or she'll never back down. Trust me, it's going to get a lot, and I mean a lot worse than just a trip.

"Matt? Are you feeling alright?" I asked, turning to him. I needed to know if he was going to carry on pretending or to confront me.

"I can't believe you would do that!" Matt said through gritted teeth, trying to contain his anger.

"Matt, lighten up! It was only a joke!" I protested, but he slung his bag over his shoulder and stormed off. What happened to him anyway? Since when has he cared about some bitch falling over?! Heck, he used to be the one pulling those tricks on people. She deserves everything she gets. I decided to try and see whether he was going to find Adrianna- what? I was just making sure he wasn't about to cheat on me...

I told my friends I was going to see if Matt was okay and put my handbag on my arm. Walking out of the canteen, I hummed to myself, refusing to believe that he would dare to find her. I decided to start at his locker. The hallway was surprisingly empty, and I was about to turn around when I heard a small sniffle, and a low, soft voice. I hurried back the way I came, around the corner and hid away, out of sight. Suddenly, Matt and Adrianna appeared and stood by his locker. Adrianna's face was still flushed, but a lighter pink now. Matt looked tense and worried, a way I had never seen him before. Their voices were quiet, but just loud enough so that I could hear. I tried to ignore the sound of my thumping heartbeat and concentrate on their words.

"Why does Carolina hate me so much?" Adrianna asked him. Her voice sounded close to cracking.

"I don't know, I mean, I don't think she hates you! She's just a bit..." He trailed off.

"She said that she would make my life hell- if I- if I talked to you!" She said, breaking out into sobs, her shoulders shaking. Matt was facing me, and Adrianna facing him, by his locker. It was risky to be watching when all it would take to spot me is one glance from Matt, but I had to know what was going to happen. I had to.

"Adrianna..." Matt sighed, and wiped the tears from her eyes. I clenched my fists as he did this, and I wanted to go out there and hit her- but I restrained myself, and kept watching.

I couldn't see the expression on Adrianna's face now, but I could see his face drawing closer to hers. I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from screaming, or worse, throwing up! I was furious now, but I couldn't give myself away, or-

Their lips met, and for a few seconds I was frozen in shock. Before I started to break down completely, I snapped myself out of it and revealed myself. I stepped out from the corner, my heels making a sound that echoed through the empty hallway. I could feel the black mascara tears streaming down my face as they both turned with a gasp and looked at me, expressions half-guilty, half-shocked.

"Carolina, I-" Matt started, but it was too late for explanations.

I turned away from them and ran, stumbling, but still rushing away from the horrible scene. I ran and ran until I reached the parking lot and finally made it to my car, my beautiful Mercedes. I unlocked it and hurriedly got in, still crying as I started up the car. I felt betrayed, vulnerable and heartbroken, but most of all- weak.

As I drove out of the school the sound of the engine was comforting, but I couldn't stop thinking about what I had just seen; it kept replaying over and over in my head. When I finally reached home, there were no other cars parked on the driveway which was a relief because my parents would be asking why I was home so early. It was only 1:30 in the afternoon. I got through the front door of our mansion and felt like collapsing on the floor right there.

I decided to get something to eat instead. Looking in the fridge, I found some galaxy milk chocolate- my favourite. I broke off a couple of squares and ate them in tiny bites, the chocolate melting in my mouth soothingly. It tasted good, but it felt like nothing could fill up the empty void now inside of me.

My phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket. Someone was calling me, and I knew it was probably Matt. I looked at the screen- I was right. I couldn't bring myself to answer so I let it ring, abandoning it on the kitchen table.

I made my way up the stairs until I finally reached my cozy bedroom. It had light pink walls, and posters on the walls of my favourite bands- and photos of me and Matt on the wall. With a wince, I turned away and tried to suppress the urge to rip them to shreds. I knew I would regret it later. Collapsing on the bed, I tried to think up a plan to get my own back on Adrianna. I needed some big news that would get Matt's attention and most importantly, crush Adrianna. Then I could really make her pay.

Then I had the perfect solution.

The Bully's Diary [IN EDITING AS OF JAN2015]Where stories live. Discover now