The Bully's Diary 14 - That Skank Called Me!

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  • Dedicated to Magdalena Rusiecka

Hey guys!! So, part 14 :D Now I've got that date with Carolina and David out of the way I can start on my amazing new ideas for the plot... this is just the (kind of) beginning ;) Enjoy my little munchkins!!<3x

This chapter is dedicated to Magdalena Rusiecka (once again, lol) 'cos she's so awesome ^___^ <3xxx

When I woke up Sunday morning I lay there in bed for a while and thought about last night. It wasn't exactly very romantic, was it? David being 'ill' as he put it meant we couldn't finish watching the movie, which sucks. Oh and he didn't walk me to the door or give me a cute little kiss on the cheek like you see in the movies either. I know it sounds selfish but you know what girls are like.. I guess I'm a bit of a romance girl- I like for things to be perfect.

My phone suddenly vibrated on my bedside table and I picked it up, peering at the screen. David had texted me:

Hey, do you wanna do something today? I feel better now.. - David X

Should I ignore it, pretend I hadn't got the text, or reply? I sighed and started writing a reply..

Hey, sorry, my mom says she needs me at home today, things to do.. - Carolina X

It was a complete lie- I knew mom wasn't home, I just didn't feel like going anywhere with David at the moment- it was nothing personal, I just didn't feel like it.

After what felt like seconds I got a reply:

Oh okay, see you tomorrow - David X

I started to get ready, realizing I hadn't gotten changed yesterday. I put on some jeans and a top, not really caring what I wore, and slipped my phone into my pocket. Still tired somehow, I collapsed on my computer chair at my desk and turned on my laptop and decided I would check my Facebook, see if there were any events going on..

Logging in, I searched the homepage for an update about a party.. I just wanted to do something. Sadly, there weren't any.. I sighed- my life could be so boring sometimes. I put the lid down on my laptop and walked out of my bedroom, rushing down the stairs to get to the kitchen.

After getting myself a PBJ sandwich, I walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa, grabbing the remote to watch something. There wasn't much on, but I eventually settled on an old movie that was actually pretty good once you got into it.

Suddenly my phone started to vibrate in my pocket, and at first I thought it'd be another text but someone was calling me. I groaned in frustration and answered it, stuffing the last bite of my sandwich in my mouth.

"Hello?" I answered in an annoyed tone.

"Carolina.." A voice whispered.

"Who is this?" I questioned. I had no time for prank-callers..

"Soon, one day soon, you will be begging for death,".

Then they hung up.


I hugged my knees to my chest, slowly rocking back and forth on the sofa, thinking about what had just happened.. Well, it was a prank-call, wasn't it? I bet it was. I sighed and looked down at my phone. Should I call them back? I looked at my call history and the number came up as unknown. This was weird.

Wait a minute, that voice had sounded a little familiar.. No, it couldn't be, they know what would happen if they did something like that. I decided to forget about it for the moment and turned my attention back to the TV, trying to concentrate on the movie. Then my phone started vibrating again. I picked it up suspiciously and looked at the screen, pressing the green 'accept call' button.

"Hello?" I said, my voice a little shaky.

"Hey, Carolina, it's me." A familiar voice spoke. I breathed out- it was only my mom!

"Hey, mom." I replied, smiling to myself.

"I left twenty dollars on the table if you wanna order yourself some pizza, but anyway, I was calling to let you know that I'm out with a friend today and won't be back till four this afternoon." She told me.

"Oh, okay. I'll just order some pizza in a bit.." I said. Well, at least this time she'd left me something to buy food with, and I just fancied a pizza, now that I thought about it.

"Good, good. Right well I better go darling, is there anything you want me to get you? I'm in town with Vicky." She informed me.

I smiled to myself, "No, it's alright. Okay, well I'll see you later." I answered.

"Alright, honey. Bye!" She replied. I could hear the smile in her voice.

After I'd hung up, it hit me.

The unknown caller was Adrianna.

Hey guys!! Sorry this part is really short but I wanted to get this one out of the way. Don't know if I told you but I just really want to start getting the twists in this story !! It's agonizing doing this boring chapter, but hopefully in the next chapter I can get to the real action :DD hehehe. Anyway hope you liked it and as always..




:) x

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