The Bully's Diary 3 - Empty Lies & Humiliation

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Author's Note: This book is now in editing (as of January 2015). If the tenses are messed up compared to the rest of the book, it's because I may be changing things around quite a lot.



The rest of French went by mercifully quickly, and I received a few suspicious looks from Mr. Fleetly, but all in all, it was an okay lesson- I mostly doodled in my exercise book and chatted to Jessica and Anna. I caught Adrianna staring at me a couple of times, and every time our eyes met, she looked back down and started to scribble in her book again, pretending to concentrate on the work. I knew I was making her paranoid, but to be honest I found it funny.

When the bell finally rang signalling second period, Chemistry, it was a relief. It would still be a boring lesson, but it was one where I had my friends Monica on my left and Megan on my right, and we sat at the back of the classroom. Perfect. This meant that, just like in every other lesson, we could just sit there and chat. I didn't particularly care about my grades anyway.

Monica was a bit quiet at times, but Chemistry was the one lesson where she'd talk for ages. Megan was very chatty, but I knew I could tell her anything. In Chemistry Matt sat in front of me and we'd usually pass notes all lesson, too, planning parties and trips out.

We walked into the classroom together, and when we arrived everyone looked up. I was used to this reaction now- I knew I was beautiful, so I couldn't blame them. I scowled at the nerds who just rolled their eyes at my dramatic arrival, and they went back to their books as they always did. Strutting to our usual seats, we noticed that our usual teacher, the old and annoying Mr. Pratchett wasn't here, and had been replaced by a younger and more attractive teacher. He looked new, and his name was written on the board in white chalk- Mr. Mogorian. He looked gorgeous, and he was staring at me as well. I smiled and nudged Megan. She giggled quietly.

"Come on, students, settle down. Today we will be learning about the various ways in which..." Mr. Mogorian announced, but I wasn't listening to the rest. His eyes kept being drawn to mine, but don't get me wrong, I wasn't interested anyway. I did have Matt, even though I knew I could easily take my pick of any of the others in our year.

"Hey, don't you think he's pretty cute?" Monica whispered to me, giggling. Sometimes her childish ways amused me, and this was why she was such a great friend.

"I guess so.. Have you seen the way he's been looking at me?!" I replied jokingly. She laughed and twirled her hair around her finger. "You don't like him, do you?" I laughed. She blushed and bit her lip before answering that she didn't. I still thought that she did.

"Well, I guess I did see him look at you a couple of times too.." I teased. Her eyes lit up instantly.

"Really?!" She said in an excited tone.

"Yeah! He totally likes you!" I lied. What? I was only making her happy. Again, she blushed and looked over at him. To be honest, he did have some attractive features- brown hair, blue eyes and a dazzling smile, not to mention a nice body! For the rest of the lesson Monica looked like she was in a daze. I nudged Megan again and we giggled about Monica's little "crush". We weren't laughing in a mean way, though!

The bell rang and echoed through the hallways in the science block and I saw a disappointed look in her eyes when she heard it. Our books had never been opened in that lesson, and the teachers never looked through them anyway- but if on a rare occasion they did, we would probably get told off for having nothing written in them at all except their names on the front cover and some doodles.

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