The Bully's Diary 27 - This Ends Now

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Hey guys!! Well, part 27.. Again, I have nothing much to say haha, so yeah enjoy my little munchkins.. oh and fan me!! ;)<3x

* WARNING - if you think anything in this chapter might offend you please leave now and don't read on thank you!! Sorry if anyone is offended or feels uncomfortable in any way *

The thoughts running through my head as I entered the large pristine bathroom of my house were, Sorry Mom, sorry Daddy. I'm just sick of this now. I need to get away from it all for a little while. But could I really do this? Did I have the confidence? There was no time for doubts now. I unscrewed the glass bottle and took a large first gulp. It burned a familiar fire in my mouth and throat as it went down, but I took more gulps, trying to immunise myself from the sting as I coughed in shock. I took some pills out of the container with a shaky hand, and hesitated a little. I had to do this. I stuffed a few in my mouth and tilted my head as I downed some more of the drink, spluttering even more.

I sat on the edge of the bathtub and held the glass bottle in my hand. It was hard not to drop it, but I clung onto it tightly with my numb fingers. I shook more pills into my hand and shoved them in my mouth, then downed more vodka. I did this a couple more times, still shaking and almost regretting what I was doing, but I pushed those thoughts away. Starting to run the bath, I watched as the water came crashing down into the tub, filling it up. The ten minutes of waiting for it to fill were agonizing, but I passed the time by drinking more.

The bath was finally full and after turning off the taps, I sat down on the ground, deciding to have some last thoughts.

Sorry Mom, sorry Daddy. There's nothing left for me here. I have to leave this place now. Maybe I should leave a note? No.. Nobody would read it anyway. I remembered all the friends I used to have, the glimmer of hope David had given me, the good memories; but then I remembered everything bad that had happened to me.

Matt waking up but not remembering me, the lies, the tears I'd shed, Adrianna abusing me, making me hurt.. The trip and the fall, the laughs all around me, laughing at me. Not with me like they used to be. The fear I had felt, the never-ending fear of being abused again. The photo that she'd tormented me with.. All had to be forgotten now. I had to do this.

I went into my room, taking out a long black dress that flowed around me. Even now I cared about what I left this world dressed in. I changed into it slowly and put my golden pendant on as well, deciding that this should be fine. I was dressed like I was attending a funeral again.

Only this time, it'd be mine.

I moved back into the bathroom and stepped into the bath tub, my dress clinging to me around my waist, and I lay down in the cold water. I shivered a little, but made myself get used to the numbing iciness. This had to be done. I sunk down to the bottom of the tub, making sure my whole body was immersed. The bottle of vodka and pills had been abandoned in the sink, the vodka bottle broken with some glass on the floor. I'd cut my foot a little on the glass by accident, and some of my blood was in the water now, but it didn't matter. The pain would be gone quite soon.

And so, I closed my eyes.

Ready to let go of this life.

Ready to let go of myself.

Ready to let go of everything.

Then I breathed out one last time and prepared to meet my end.

Hey guyssss, so what did ya think of that chapter :DD will she live or die?? You'll have to wait and see.. <3x





p.s leave your suggestions for her fate in the comments or message me somehow if you want!

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