The Bully's Diary 15 - Confrontations

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  • Dedicated to Charlie Coles

Hey guys!! So it's part 15 now and I can FINALLY start to put my new ideas into the story!! Be prepared for lots of twists and turns coming up.. I have a lot planned ;) anyway enjoy!! <3x

- this part is dedicated to Charlie Coles because my brother told me she likes this story ^___^ so thanks for reading! :) <3x

Monday morning came way too soon, and I was still reeling from Adrianna's little prank-call on me. She is so going to pay. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Matt, but I can't bring myself to try and see him at the moment.. I know, what if he wakes up and all that, right? To be honest I'm losing hope that he ever will.

Before I knew it I was on my way to school, mom driving me because of course, my car was wrecked. I still missed it, but told myself not to think about it as painful memories washed over me.. Mom's voice suddenly interrupted the silence that I had been quite content with, her words cutting the air.

"So what's your first class today?" She asked.

"History," I remembered, groaning in frustration.

"Ooh, that sounds fun! I remember doing history when I was a kid," she smiled. I rolled my eyes and looked out of the window as we drew up to the school entrance. "Well, have a good day, honey!" She called as I got out of the car.

"Thanks, mom, see you later." I smiled at her and closed the door, walking towards the school in a new-found confidence. But it all disappeared when I saw Adrianna standing in the doorway to the reception.


I got to the door and she looked at me as if I was some piece of dirt she'd found on the bottom of her cheap flat shoes.

"Bitch, why the hell did you call me?!! And how do you even have my number, you little bitch! ANSWER ME!" I screamed in her face, grabbing a fistful of her hair in my hand, pulling hard. She glared at me.

"Get off me!" She yelled back, "I didn't even call you!!".

"Did you just deny it?!! After threatening me on the phone because you can't even say it to my face?!" I shrieked at her. How dare she deny it!

"I don't even know what you're talking about!" She shouted.

"Excuse me?! You know exactly what I'm talking about!" I retorted angrily.

"Adrianna, Carolina, stop this right now!" A loud voice said. I gritted my teeth in anger as I realized it was the headmaster. I dropped Adrianna carelessly and she collapsed onto the ground, rubbing her head where I'd been holding her hair.

I turned to face the headmaster, Mr. Cassidy. He was kind of young, maybe in his early thirties and had light brown short hair, light blue eyes and had an Australian accent that all the girls adored. So yeah, I guess he was fairly attractive.

"To my office, both of you. Now." he said, turning on his heel, expecting us to follow. I glared at Adrianna before starting after Mr. Cassidy as she struggled to get herself off the floor.

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