[Not a Chapter] - Author's Ending Note - URGENT, PLEASE READ

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Well hello there! Ok that was a lame start, but I'll carry on. It's been over a year since I finished this book and I have a few things to say.

Firstly, thanks so much to every single one of you who has read this. The numbers continue to go up even after all this time and the support and encouraging comments I get are amazing. So thank you for that. It really means a lot.

Second, I wanna tell you all that if ever you need a few comments on a book you're writing, or just wanna talk about something, don't hesitate to either message me or leave a post on my profile and I will definitely help you out. Or at least try my best to.

Now for the serious stuff. I just need to make it very clear that this book... Well, I wrote it over a year ago. Memories of what I wrote are long gone, but I need to exaggerate that I have never been diagnosed with a mental disorder. I didn't know what it's like or any of the facts. I have not visited a mental hospital, I do not know what they are like besides what I conjured up in my imagination when I first wrote this book. I have never been diagnosed with depression (making me luckier than most), and when I made this book I didn't do any research which was irresponsible of me. Any mental disorder or anything similar I tried to portray in this book is not accurate or realistic in any way and that was wrong.

You have to understand that all I had to go on was my (probably) misconceptions and again, my imagination and what I'd learned in movies or read about in fictional books.

So for that, I sincerely apologize. If I've offended anyone in doing this I am very sorry and there's really no excuse except that all I can say is, when I wrote this I was 13, maybe even 12 years old. I wasn't thinking properly about characters and their feelings, I was thinking about plot. More specifically, plot twists. And that was very insensitive and inconsiderate of me. So again, I really am sorry.

I haven't gotten any complaints/"hate" on this story at all, I think, which I am very grateful for.

I'm not excusing myself for this past behaviour at all but here's the explanation for why I bring this up now: Since February this year I've had panic attacks and struggled with various other issues. I haven't been to a doctor so of course I can't claim I have a mental illness and I'm not asking for sympathy or pity, that's not why I'm saying that. I want you to know that now I understand these kinds of topics a bit better, although I still feel it's not my place to discuss that.

In future works (some of which are on my profile now, if you'd like to take a look) I will try my best to be different and make sure I know what I'm talking about.

There is so much to be improved in this story! I'm just not sure this work is something I want to do any more work on. I feel that what I was thinking at 13 will not come back to me now and there's really not much point- unless I get extremely annoyed at how bad this story is looking back... It's got plently of plot, yeah, just not enough consideration for the characters I created and of course, what I explained above.

Thanks again for reading, this was well overdue, but there you go.

If you're interested, more works (mostly horror, but there's a very new assassin one I'm pretty proud of that was updated yesterday) are on my profile. Lots more works. They're not updated as often as I'd like, but I'm working on that.

Thank you all so much again for your support and understanding.



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