The Bully's Diary 11 - David

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  • Dedicated to Angie Pignatiello

Hey guys!! So, part 11, gosh.. Well I hope you like this part and it's dedicated to Angie Pignatiello this time because she's just awesome okay. ^__^ So yeah, enjoy my little munchkins!!<3 x  -Oh and a song that might be quite fitting for this part is - Where Is My Mind? - Sucker Punch: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. Listen to it!!!! :D Here, I'll make it easier hahah, here's the youtube link:     go check it out!! <3

The days went by agonizingly slowly, and I spent every day the same. Lie there in bed, cry, talk to mom and daddy, cry, eat a miniscule portion of food, sleep and have the same nightmare about the crash, wake up, cry, start it all again. As I lay there in bed I thought about a lot of things- when you're in hospital with not even a magazine to keep you occupied you tend to do that. I thought about Adrianna, Jessica, Anna, Monica and Megan, but most of all Matt.

Today had been no different- I lay there, thinking, listening to the beeping of the heart monitor. I just wanted to get out of the hospital, or even better, see Matt. I knew I couldn't try and get out of the bed and see him again. What if his parents were there? I needed to see him, but I couldn't, and it was heart wrenching. Suddenly my mom came in, with a smile on her face.

"Honey, the doctor's said that you're allowed to come home, isn't that great?!" She grinned. My eyes lit up at the news.

"That's great!" I smiled, and then paused. "Mom, did you bring me some clothes?" I questioned. I was so not going out there in a hospital gown.

"Yes, I did, they called me with the news so I came here with your clothes. We bought your phone as well, your dad got the screen repaired- it's a miracle it still works!" She exclaimed. She handed it to me and instantly I saw that I had lots of texts from my friends, and one unknown number... I decided to read them later- I couldn't be bothered to reply to them all now.

Mom placed a plastic bag of my things on the bed, told me she'd leave so I could get changed and left. I rooted around in the bag and the clothes in there weren't too bad- a black short-sleeved t-shirt with dark blue skinny jeans, my high-heeled boots, socks and underwear of course and my jacket. I didn't feel like trying to make my appearance glamorous anyway, not like I usually would- since the accident all I've cared about is seeing Matt... I had to ask mom if I could- and if she said no again? Well then, I guess I'd have to sneak a few visits in my car.

 I slipped into the clothes with ease and put the shoes on. I badly needed a mirror, but I would have to wait. Then I remembered- my car! Oh, God, my car! I groaned as I thought of how broken and crushed it must be...

Once I'd finished getting ready, I shoved my phone in my pocket and opened the door. I walked outside, looking left and right in the hallway. Nobody seemed to be around which was strange.. I decided this was my chance to see Matt...

I made my way determindly down the hallway to his room, and cautiously opened the door. No-one else was in there, luckily. I slipped inside and closed the door behind me, then turned my attention to Matt. He was lying there peacefully inbetween the crisp bed-sheets. I treaded carefully over to him, a tear dripping off my cheek. His emerald green eyes were closed, but I longed for them to open. This was all my fault...

 I stroked his cheek tenderly with the back of my hand. If that Adrianna hadn't came here in the first place, maybe this wouldn't have happened..

"Carolina?" Someone said softly. I jumped and turned around. It was David, Matt's best friend. I hadn't heard him come in... He had light brown hair and gray eyes like a storm, and was wearing a dark green t-shirt with dark blue jeans. A new feeling surfaced inside of me as I looked at him- he looked breathtaking...

"Hey, David.." I smiled weakly. He looked concerned.

"How are you feeling?" He asked gently. I was surprised he wasn't angry at me- after all, I had been driving.

"I'm being let out of hospital today.. David?" I asked, not sure whether I should ask him or not..

"Oh, that's good. And what is it?" He smiled.

"Why aren't you angry at me?" I asked timidly.

"What? Why would I be angry at you?" He said in disbelief.

"Because I was driving!" I exclaimed. He gave me a sympathetic look.

 "Yes, well, it was an accident. You were drunk- you didn't know what you were doing!" He explained.

I looked down at my feet and twirled my hair.

"Look, if you ever need to talk-" he paused and grabbed some paper and a pen that had been sitting on the small table at Matt's bedside. "Just call me." He smiled, handing me the small slip of paper he'd written on.

"Thanks." I smiled, putting it into my back pocket. "Well, I better be going now.." I trailed.

"Okay, well, remember I'm always here if you.. if you need to talk," he replied. Suddenly he gathered me up in a hug and I realized I needed someone, and hugged back.

"Well.. Bye, then." I smiled shyly before turning away and walking out of the room.

I met my mom outside my room, and luckily she'd grabbed the bag I'd abandoned in there. She didn't need to ask me where I'd been.

Then, we set off for home.

Hey guys!! Hope you liked that part and sorry it was a little boring, but I had to do that for what will happen later.. Anyway, the next part will be here soon but this took ages to write because it was so horribly boring to do!! I promise the next one will be better, okay?!! Thanks for reading my little munchkins, and as usual... <3 oh, I almost forgot- what was that new feeling that surfaced in Carolina when she was with David?! ;) oooo, haha.




:) x

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