The Bully's Diary 16 - I Don't Like Him!.. Do I?

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  • Dedicated to Katy Drapple Ashdown

Hey guys!! Look, I know part 15 was originally called 'anonymous attacker' but then I realized that I hadn't actually included what I meant hahah, so I changed it to 'confrontations' but the title above will make more sense in this part, so enjoy my little munchkins!!<3x (btw I promise the next one will be more on the anonymous attacker thing!!).

- this part is dedicated to Katy Ashdown just because she's awesome and so cool!! So yeah.. I actually envy her hair and style omg.. So I've dedicated this one to her because she's so awesome. Random, I know..<3x

When Miss. Smith had finished lecturing me, I could finally go back inside. Never had I felt so happy about experiencing the warmth of a classroom so much! Even though Miss. Smith had warned me about the consequences of not listening when I came in, my thoughts were still on Mr. Clatherly.. Why did he make a nickname for me anyway? It was a bit random, but I chose to ignore it for the moment.

The bell finally rang, and the rest of my lessons were a total drag. When lunchtime finally came I was so happy that I almost skipped on my way to the canteen! But of course, I didn't, because let's face it- nobody is sad enough to even attempt skipping in highschool. I finally met up with Jessica and Monica, and as soon as they saw me walk through the cafeteria doors they bombarded me with questions while hugging me fiercely.

I settled down at a table with them in the cafeteria and wasn't really listening to their mindless chatter, and I bet you can guess just who I was thinking about.

"Carolina, what's wrong?" Jessica questioned.

"Huh?" I said, confused.

"You haven't been listening to anything, have you?" She sighed. I didn't reply, just kind of shrugged.

"Alright, who's the guy?!" Monica challenged with a sly grin on her face. I could feel the red flowing to my cheeks.

"There's no guy!" I helplessly tried to assure them.

"Oh really?" Jessica grinned, obviously not believing me.

"Yes, really!" I protested. They left it at that but I knew they still thought I liked someone. Okay, maybe I liked someone just a bit. I still couldn't get that dazzling smile out of my head. The bell rang for lunch ending, and I sighed as I realized we had Religious Education. Monica wasn't in my class for R.E, but Jessica was so we parted ways with Monica and began to walk to Mr. Clatherly's classroom.

A tight feeling knotted in my stomach, making me feel sick with nervousness. I wasn't used to this feeling, and I didn't know why I was experiencing it. More than that, I shouldn't even be feeling this way about a teacher! I sighed as we reached the classroom filled with chattering students, and we went in together, going to our usual seats. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Mr. Clatherly was staring in my direction, but I did my best to ignore the feeling of his eyes burning holes in my back!

"Okay, class, settle down. Right, today we'll be on the subject of War and Peace. So if you'd open your textbooks to page number 179, we can begin.." Mr. Clatherly announced. There were a few groans from students as they flipped through the textbooks on their desks. I sighed and for once I had been hanging onto his every word, and Jessica stared at me in surprise when I began to open my books.

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