The Bully's Diary 29 - The Escape & Dream

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Hey guys!! So, part 29 already, gosh!! It's gone by so fast for me, like it seems only yesterday I wrote the first part and got excited if I got 5 reads on the chapter :') ahahah THIS DOESN'T MEAN THE BOOK'S OVER. CALM YOURSELVES :D

When I woke up again, I was drowsy. I was sat on a soft bed but this time I wouldn't succumb to the need to rest. I was in a room with white walls, a white door- everything was white. There wasn't the reassuring beep of a heart monitor, though, or nurses around me. Not even my parents were here. Was I dead? Had I finally escaped? Did I hallucinate about being taken out of the bath tub and taken to hospital? Or worse.. Was anything I'd been experiencing real? Please, God, tell me it wasn't a delusional dream.

I looked around me and suddenly a man appeared in the corner of the room. He was standing there casually, arms folded as he leaned against the wall. Who was he? And what was he doing here? I looked over to the door, and saw that it was guarded by two men. How did he get in here? He was wearing an all-white suit apart from a blood red rosebud in the chest pocket of his jacket. He had a white hood that prevented me from seeing his face, too.

He looked a little familiar- his height and figure.. I remembered him from somewhere. But since I couldn't see his face, I had no way of telling who he might be. Did I even remember him at all?

"Who are you?" I managed to stutter out quietly. He didn't react. Didn't he hear me?

"Hello?" I asked again, feeling stupid. The man sighed and lifted his head a little. His hood covered just about all of his face, and even though the room was blindingly bright, I still couldn't make out any of his features apart from his bright red lips.

"Hello, Carrie." He said. His voice sounded familiar, too..

"Who are you? And where am I?" I replied in a rush.

"Hmm, who am I.. Well, I guess you could call me Dream." He answered. Dream? "Oh, and you're in a mental institution." He added nonchalantly, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"But I'm not crazy!" I protested.

"Did I say that?" Dream replied. He stopped leaning on the wall and stood up straight. He strolled over to me and I stretched backwards, my back hitting a wall.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Dream asked me quietly.

"Yeah, but how the hell would I do that?" I said suspiciously.

"Never say that word." Dream suddenly growled.

"Huh? What word?" I said in confusion.

"Never, ever say h-e-l-l." He spelled it out for me.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Bad things happen." He replied coldly. There was an uncomfortable silence after that as I contemplated what that might mean.

"Back on topic, though.. You want the pain to end, is that correct?" He continued.

"Um.. Yes." I whispered.

"And you want to die?" Dream spoke.

"I guess so." I replied uncertainly. I did, didn't I?

"You guess?" He questioned.

"Yes. I want to die." I said solidly. If my parents had placed me in here, then surely I meant nothing to them?

"I can stop the pain, Carrie." Dream whispered, edging closer. Only then did I realize that it was strange how he knew my name.

"How do you know who I am?!" I said in shock, trying to push myself further away from him.

"Your file. Now, as I was saying, I can make it all go away." He said.

"How?" I asked suspiciously. I had to be careful.

"Take my hand. That's all you have to do." He said calmly, edging even closer. I could feel his bubblegum breath fan over my face. His scent was intoxicating, but I tried to ignore it. I couldn't stop my eyes from drifting up to his lips, though.. I mentally slapped myself for that. I didn't even know who he was!

He laughed softly as he noticed my gaze on his lips, then stretched his hand out towards me, and as he did I saw that his nails were painted the same red as the rose in his pocket. Crimson, almost. Like blood...

I hesitated before asking, "Take your hand? And then what happens?".

"Yes. Then the pain will all go away. All your worries will be forgotten. You'll be transported into another, more peaceful world. Just like death, except kinder, and easier." He spoke softly.

A peaceful world? Like death, but kinder and easier? It was worth a try.. Wasn't it?

"Just hold my hand. I don't bite." He chuckled, stroking my face. I flinched away from his touch. It was as cold as ice, but at the same time it burnt like fire.

I could trust him, couldn't I?

"Come on. You can trust me, Carrie." Dream said, as if he'd read my mind. Before I could stop myself, my hand was reaching out towards him.

He took my hand gently and stroked my palm in circles, as if he was about to tell me my future or something. His hand was so soft and comforting..

Then everything went black.

Hey guys!! So, what do we think of Dream? Sinister or sweet?!! Comment below and tell me, or message me, I WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF HIM :DD anyways..<3x





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