The Bully's Diary 17 - Anonymous Attacker

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  • Dedicated to All The Readers!! :3

Hey guys!! Well, I'm gonna get straight into writing this part because I've been looking forward to writing it so much!! Enjoy my little munchkins!<3x

Quote for this chapter: "Whatever doesn't kill you, is gonna leave a scar," - Marilyn Manson, 'Leave a Scar'. ^___^ (yes, I know, Marilyn Manson, but I thought it fitted for this one so yeah don't hate D: haha).

*WARNING - quite a bit of violence in this one, so if you're uncomfortable or offended by any occurrences in this story don't read on, thank you!!*

I struggled, kicking with my legs as I was dragged down the hallway. The hand that had grabbed me was clamped tightly over my mouth, and I tried to scream but all that came out was a whimper. Writhing, I tried to scratch and claw the hand but whoever this was- they were strong.

I even tried an old tactic, licking their palm and even biting, but they must've had a hand made of steel! They ignored all of my struggles as I was dragged further down the hallways, and we kept occasionally stopping so my attacker could scan the area. I tried to cling onto the corners of walls, but the person just pulled me off of them and kept going.

Eventually we'd reached a very familiar battered blue wooden door. The girls' bathroom! Which meant my attacker was probably a girl. But who? They opened the door and pushed me roughly inside after taking their grimy hand off of my mouth, and I gasped for sweet air, filling my lungs, even though I had been able to breathe before. They hurried inside and slammed the door, and I could hear the click of the lock as I staggered to the sinks. I searched for somewhere to hide, maybe I could lock myself in a cubicle?

Before I could even start to put my plan into action, they had me in a headlock with their strong arm. I screamed as loud as I could but everyone was probably going home now- nobody would be able to help me! I writhed in their grip, kicking at their shins with my heels but they didn't react.

"Let's have some fun, Carrie." A harsh voice whispered in my ear. My heart sank as I recognised the voice.

"Why are you doing this?!" I asked pleadingly.

"Because I want to and because I can." They answered coldly. Their grip on my neck tightened and I could hardly breathe. I tried to look in the mirror on my left so I could see their face, but they had a plain white mask on so it was hard to determine who it was, making my current predicament even more petrifying.

A hand roughly pulled my head back so it was facing the ceiling. The grip on my neck tightened and I gasped for oxygen.

"P-please! Let me go!" I managed to wheeze.

"Really? That's all you can come up with? 'Please, let me go!'" They imitated me, laughing cruelly. They squeezed harder and pinched before releasing me as I gasped and spluttered.

But it wasn't over yet.

I tried to quickly turn so I could get a better look at their appearance but they pushed me on the ground, kicking my back so that I collapsed. Their empty heart held no remorse of what they were doing to me..

"Stop! Please!" I cried, but they kicked me roughly, again and again, harder every time as I screamed. It was unbelievable that nobody could hear me.

"Nobody's going to help you when you've fallen." They hissed. "And soon, you will be begging me for death..".

"You! You- you're the-" I spluttered in-between gasps as the hits became harder.

"The caller? Don't you mean, the killer?" they continued, "I think that's more appropriate.." They seemed to be thinking aloud. The killer? No.. No.. I couldn't die. Not now. Not today. Surely they didn't mean they were intending to kill me?!

"I'm gonna make you suffer, like I did." They said coldly, no traces of emotion in their voice. My heart was beating rapidly as I realized they had no intention of letting me leave this place alive.. Did they?

"Please, don't.. Don't kill me!" I begged, still sprawled out on the ice cold floor of the girls' bathroom.

"Kill you? I'm not gonna kill you, just make you hurt like I did." They explained as if it was the most normal and ordinary thing in the world. This person was insane! What were they going to do to me..?

"What are you going to do?!" I screamed.

"As much damage as I can." They replied nonchalantly, and they began the torture once more. I was kicked in the stomach violently, and I was winded, struggling even more for air.

"Does it hurt knowing that no-one, no-one at all can hear your screams of desperation?" They taunted, kneeling down on the ground to look me in the eyes as I clutched my stomach. The eye holes in the mask allowed me to see some emerald green orbs staring back at me. Suddenly a sting went through my left cheek and I cried out in pain as they slapped me. Again and again, they did it, until they got bored and got up off the floor. They stood over me with authority, looking down at me.

"I don't care how much you have to lie to your friends, if you have any, about what just happened. I don't even give a damn if you've broken a few bones here and there. Just remember, if you even try to tell anyone about what just happened, I'll make sure that the next bone that is broken is your skull." They threatened. I whimpered in pain as they gave me a final last kick on my thigh.

Then they ripped the mask off, exposing their face.

"Death is such sweet sorrow," Adrianna whispered, swinging a bottle at my head. I felt a sharp pain as glass shattered over me.

Then everything went black.

Hey guys!! I'm sorry it was quite short, but I wanted to make lots of suspense!! Anyway, so yeah, what do we think of Adrianna?! I can't even.. I don't.. I'm just surprised at how well this chapter went for me, okay? ^___^ But yeah I hope you enjoyed part 17 and the next one might (well, will probably) be up today. :3<3x





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