The Bully's Diary 8 - Arriving Early & Accidents

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Hey guys!! Gosh, part 8 already! Oh and happy new year (for the third time) haha! Well I hope you like this part and yeah, enjoy my little munchkins!!<3x

The rest of the day went by painfully slowly, and I never paid any attention in class which made it drag on even more- but finally, the last bell of the day rang out in the hallways and I could finally go home and start to prepare for the party! I couldn't wait to embarrass Adrianna even more... And I knew she'd be there- I did give her lots of warnings about what would happen if she didn't go. As much as I hated to admit it, she wasn't dumb so of course she'd be suspicious..

I made my way to the parking lot and to my car, and got in, starting the engine happily. I hummed along to the upbeat song that was playing on the radio and smiled to myself as I thought of the various ways I could humiliate her- but I had to do this carefully. Make it seem like accidents she'd caused for herself, to prevent her from leaving too early. Tonight was going to be a night that nobody would ever forget! I drove home slowly, taking my time- I was in a good mood. There was a voice in the back of my head telling me that what I was going to do to Adrianna was way too cruel, but I ignored it and carried on.

When I finally made it home, I rushed up the winding staircase to my bedroom and whipped open my wardrobe, going through the many clothes inside. After a while, I finally decided on my sparkly black dress that came to my knees and hugged my body shape, enhancing my figure. It plunged at the neck, and I decided to wear my silver diamond necklace to go with it, and of course my black high-heels. I put a small black clutch with a handle on my shoulder that had make-up, money and my mobile phone inside and I was almost ready to go. I started to apply the make-up.

First, I put the basics on- foundation, concealer and face powder. I then put on some glittery silver eyeshadow and lots of mascara, along with some black eyeliner and a tiny bit of pink blush to really make my look complete. I took one last long look at myself in the mirror and realized there was something missing- my lipstick! I put it on and I was finally ready but I still had time to kill. It was 7pm. There were still two hours, but I thought I might as well set off now so me and Matt could set up his place for the party.

For about the third time today, I got in my car and smiled at myself in the rear-mirror. I looked stunning, as always. I was sure I'd be the best-looking girl there. When I pulled into Matt's driveway he heard the roaring engine and came out of the front door- with Adrianna.

I almost leaped out of the car in anger, but I contained myself and calmy but quickly got out and walked to the porch.

"Hey, Matt!" I smiled, "Oh, and Adrianna." I said with a less enthusiastic smile. Adrianna looked flushed and fearful and Matt looked guilty- what had been going on?!

"Hey, babe, what you doing here so early?" Matt grinned, putting his arm around my waist. This was a bit weird...

"I came to help set up before the party. So, Adrianna, what are you doing here so early?" I questioned innocently.

"Same as you, helping set up.." She murmured. Same as me my ass! I thought, frowning.

"Are you feeling alright?" Matt asked worriedly when he saw me frown.

"Oh, just a bit of stomach cramps, that's all," I said, trying to smile. Matt looked alarmed and I saw him glance at my stomach. Gosh, he really is worried about the "baby", I thought.

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