The Bully's Diary 21 - A Break Through!

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Hey guys!! So, am I the only one that thinks the title reminds them of that Queen song? No? Just me? Okay. xD Anyway, hope you like part 21 and yeah, enjoy!! p.s Thanks for the amazing reads (370 as I'm typing this) and I know that's not a lot compared to other authors who think 100,000 is a tiny amount.. But yeah, it's great for me so thank you!! <3x

Even when visiting hours were close to ending, I stayed by Matt's side. I had a few hours, but I doubted I would be leaving when they were finished. My hand was still clasped to Matt's, and I hoped for another sign that maybe, just maybe, he would wake up and it would all be over. The beeping of the heart monitor echoed in my head as always, and I watched as various nurses and doctors rushed past the window in the hallway, clutching clipboards to their chests and hurrying around. I saw patients being wheeled around in those beds again, some asleep, some awake and screaming for their relatives or friends.

I couldn't stop thinking about when Matt had sighed and whether it was a significant sign of him coming back to reality or not. But then there was a tiny part of me that thought maybe it would be better if he woke up and had forgotten me. A new start for both of us.. Of course, that thought was always forgotten. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if he.. If he died. Suddenly my phone rang and I groaned when I saw it was mom. She would definitely not be happy that I was here instead of school..

"Hey, Mom.." I answered the phone tiredly, looking down at my nails as she started to bombard me with questions- "why aren't you at school? You better have a good reason for doing this!", the usual. I brought the phone away from my face, grimacing as she went on about how annoyed she was.

"I'm at the hospital. I needed to see Matt." I answered her when she'd finally calmed down enough to let me explain.

"You could've just gone at the weekend, why'd it have to be today?! You know you have important exams coming up!" She scolded me.

"Mom, I know, but please, just listen. I was um.. Talking, to Matt, and then he kind of sighed. I think he might be waking up soon!" I said excitedly.

"Oh honey, someone sighing when they're in a coma doesn't mean they're going to wake up instantly. Don't get your hopes up, alright?" She replied. My hopes instantly left me, and once again, I felt miserable. Thanks for crushing my hopes, Mom, I thought. Real nice.

"Yeah, I know.." I trailed off.

"So, how are you feeling, hon?" Mom asked gently.

"I'm alright. Matt's still.. You know." I sighed sadly.

"Aww, don't worry about it, Carolina. I'm sure he'll be fine." She tried to reassure me, but we both knew it was lies. And that was another thing that got to me. We had no idea whether he'd be okay or not. There was an uncomfortable silence between us before my Mom finally spoke up.

"Alright, honey, well I better go. Love you, and I'll see you when you get home. Which better be soon!" My Mom said.

"Alright, I'll be home in a few hours or so, but I promise I'll call you if anything changes. Love you too. Bye!" I said, surprisingly cheerfully. I hung up and went back to watching Matt.

He suddenly groaned and one of his fingers moved. I gasped in shock.

"Matt? Matt?" I said excitedly, tears escaping my eyes.

His eyelids started to flutter open and I couldn't control my tears as I saw his bright emerald green eyes for the first time in weeks.

"He's awake! He's awake!" I squealed in delight, and a few nurses that had been passing came into the room, staring at the scene before them in a mixture of shock and happiness.

His eyes finally settled on me and he looked a little confused, looking down at our fingers that were laced together. But then who wouldn't be confused if they woke up in a hospital? I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, crying in relief as he clasped me back, in need of someone. I pulled back after a few minutes and looked at him, not believing my eyes. He was awake! I knew he'd wake up, I knew it!

The nurses bustled around me, setting up various pieces of hospital equipment and I had to move out of the way for a little while as they sorted Matt out. I could see him staring at his leg in shock, looking around the room, looking for something. They made him have some water and he drank it down gratefully. When the nurses and doctors were done with him, they allowed us some time alone. I grabbed his hand again and held it tenderly, tears still running down my cheeks.

"Ad-Ad-Ad.." he stuttered, but I shushed him with my finger.

"No, don't speak, take it easy, okay?" I soothed, stroking his confused face.

"Ad-Ad- Wh-What-" He stammered again, and I sighed.

"Calm down, I can't understand. Do you mean, what happened?" I asked. He nodded in reply. How was I going to do this?

"Well, um, there was a party, and I was upset, because of something that happened between you and someone else. I was drunk, and was going to drive home. You tried to stop me, and I should've listened to you, I-" I started to cry. "But I kept driving faster, and I went onto the opposite side of the road. We crashed." I sobbed. "And you were in a coma, and it was all my fault!" I cried, holding my head in my hands.

Matt looked at me in shock, but comforted me, holding my hand.

"Do you remember any of it? Anything at all?" I asked, looking at him as I tried to wipe away my tears.

"Ad-Ad-Ad.." He tried to speak, but frowned in frustration and gave up. I rubbed his hand soothingly.

"Shh, it's alright. I'm here." I comforted him, smiling weakly. "Look, I'm going to go get something to eat because I haven't eaten all day, but I promise I'll be back in about half an hour, okay?" I smiled. "Promise,".

He sighed and nodded, and I gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving. All I could think about on my way to the hospital cafeteria was how happy I was. But what the heck was he stuttering about? I seriously had no idea.

And little did I know, that whatever it was, it was going to tear my whole world apart.

Hey guys!! Oooooh, so he finally woke up!! :DD Sorry it was quite short, but yeah. Remember, THE STORY IS NO-WHERE NEAR FINISHED!! :) I still have so much planned!! Anyway, what was Matt stuttering?! You'll have to see in part 22.... <3x





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