The Bully's Diary 18 - Broken

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Hey guys!! So, this chapter will have to be a bit more of a filler, not sure where it's going at the moment but I need these little events to happen for future chapters, you'll see why soon if that doesn't make any sense to you!! :3 Anyway, enjoy this part my little munchkins!!<3x

When I woke up, I was still on the ground. My vision was blurred, and I tried desperately to get up. I needed to find someone. God knows how many injuries I had from.. Yesterday? I didn't even know. I rolled over onto my back with difficulty and dug my hand into my pocket to get my phone. According to my phone, it was eight in the morning on a Wednesday. Oh God.. School had pretty much started. There was still green pieces of glass on the floor, along with a broken bottle lying next to me. I felt my forehead and winced in pain, looking at my fingers which now had bits of dried blood on them.

I struggled on the shattered remains of glass, some of it piercing my skin. I finally managed to sit up on the ground, and then I remembered. Adrianna. She'd threatened me! What did I do to deserve all of the abuse yesterday? She was the one who had hurt me by kissing my boyfriend! Matt. I was still so confused- I needed to see him. Most of all I felt guilt. David. He actually thought we had something. I liked him, but not as much as he wanted me to. Mr. Clatherly. It just wasn't right. I had to end this. Now.

When I could finally gather up the strength to stand up, I peered at myself in the mirror. I looked awful- there were still bright red marks where I'd been so violently slapped, and a black eye that I didn't remember. I cautiously lifted my shirt up and gasped when I saw all the bruises from when I'd been kicked over and over, including a worrying purple, yellow and blue mark on my stomach. My thigh ached still and I saw a cut on my forehead along with my scar. I had tiny cuts on my arms from the glass, and I knew that if I dared to come out of the bathroom I would be questioned hugely.

I just couldn't decide on whether or not to stay in here. Maybe I should wait until the school day ended- but that would take hours and hours, and I didn't even know if I had food in my bag that had been dumped in the corner of the room. I picked it up and started to rummage around inside, and I can now admit I've never been so happy to find a granola bar, packet of crisps and a bar of chocolate in my life! I decided to save them for later. I was sure I'd need them..

Rushing over to the door, I made sure it was locked and started to work on covering up my injuries. Luckily, I'd bought my make up with me and some wipes as I did every day so I started to cover everything up with foundation and concealer, hoping it looked convincing. I remembered Adrianna's threat, and I wasn't prepared to take any chances.

Yes, I know, me, Carolina, obeying Adrianna. I just don't want any of my loved ones to get hurt because of her. Believe me, after yesterday I think she's capable of killing someone.

She said "death is such sweet sorrow".. Now I'm scared.


I spent all day moping around the bathroom, trying to ignore the strong unpleasant aroma, and the air was thick with blood. To be more specific, my blood. I ate the food in my bag but it didn't fill the empty void inside of me from being so abused. I'd never felt anything like this before. My phone started to vibrate and I saw that Jessica was calling me. I already had over ten missed calls from her alone, so I decided it was about time I answered. Thank God she'd called me again. I needed someone.. Needed to know she was okay and hadn't been hurt.

"Jess?" I said uncertainly.

"Carrie!!" She started, "Where are you?!". This was strange- she always called me Carolina..

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