The Bully's Diary 7 - Planning, Gym, and Lies

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Hey guys! I'm really bored atm so I'm writing part 7 a little earlier than planned, but I hope you like it!! I hope this story gets to 100 reads soon, that would be AMAZING!! :D so yeah, if you like the story share it with your friends for me?? ;) anyway, enjoy my little munchkins!!<3 x

I met Matt where I usually did, at his locker. He was leaning on it and had a worried look on his face when he saw me.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, looking into his emerald eyes.

"Oh, nothing really. How are you feeling?" He replied. I saw him glance at my stomach.

"I'm fine. Hey, what have we got next?" I smiled. He smiled back and met my eyes, looking relieved.

"I think I have Math and you have gym," he said. I groaned when I remembered.

"Okay, well I guess I should get going then." I said, sighing.

"Oh, okay. See you at lunch, babe," he smiled, before giving me a light kiss on the lips.

"Yeah, see you." I replied. Why did I always have to leave so soon?

 Making my way over to gym, I sighed again, but then grinned as I remembered the party. I quickly whipped my phone out and sent a text to all my friends:

Party at Matt's place, 9pm, be there. Spread the word! - Carolina XX

I remembered I needed to tell Matt, so I texted him:

Hey babe, almost forgot, party at yours tonight, 9pm, hope it's okay because I've already invited people! - Carolina XX

Almost instantly, I got a reply from Matt:

Yeah it's fine, babe, my parents are away for the weekend- it's on!! - Matt XX

Smiling, I reached the girls' changing rooms and went inside. I quickly got changed and put some more make-up on, then me and Jessica were ready to go. The smell of perfume and body spray was pungent in the changing room, so it was a relief to get out of there and go into the gym.

"So, Matt told me you and him are still together?" Jessica asked disapprovingly.

"Yeah, I decided to give him another chance. Problem?" I challenged. What? I felt like being bitchy.

"No, it's just, he cheated on you! With that bitch Adrianna!" She protested.

"No shit, Sherlock!" I said, rolling my eyes. She frowned and went silent.

"Look, I'm sorry, I guess I'm still annoyed about it.." I explained.

"It's okay, I understand.." She replied, rubbing my back soothingly as we entered the gym. All of the other girls in our year were in there too, which meant Adrianna.

"Okay girls, quiet down. This lesson we're going to do some dodge-ball. It's girls v girls instead of girls v boys as we previously planned because most of the boys are away at a football match." Mrs. Hartley announced. Some groaned, some cheered in triumph and some didn't react at all.

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