The Bully's Diary 39 - This Is The End

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  • Dedicated to All The Readers <3

Hey guys!! I'm sorry to say that this will be the FINAL CHAPTER of The Bully's Diary. The story ends here, but thanks for sticking with me this far! So here's to all the lovely readers, and enjoy the final chapter! :') <3x

please listen to the song on the side, I think it relates to this last chapter <3

We all stopped in our tracks and I looked at Dare expectantly.

"She's safe, don't worry." He said, not fully looking me in the eyes. I had a feeling there was more to it than that, but I dropped the subject. After a while, Matt spoke.

"We need to let you get some rest, and while you are I'll talk to your mom. Everything's gonna be okay, Carolina." Matt smiled, kissing me lightly on the forehead. He led me to my bed and I lay down, covering myself with the duvet. He stroked my hair tenderly, then left the room. I looked over at Dare who still stood in the middle of the room.

"Are David and Dream gone?" I asked quietly.

"Yes. They're gone now." He said, walking over to my bed. He sat on the edge and sighed.

"Did you love her?" I enquired. I don't know where that came from, but oh well.

"Love who?" He asked, shocked.

"Shade. You loved her.. Didn't you?" I questioned.

"Well, I don't know about that-" He started, but then I gave him a serious look and he continued, "Yes. I loved her." I nodded, smiling a little.

"Is this goodbye, then?" I said.

"I'm afraid so. You can go back to your mortal life now." He said, looking away from me. I placed my hand on his and ignored the cold sting that went through me. He looked back at me and squeezed my hand gratefully.

"Will I be seeing you again?" I asked.

"Hm... Maybe. In your dreams, possibly. I might visit, you never know." He said, smiling playfully.

"Okay." I agreed.

"Well," he said, getting up, "Goodbye, Carolina." He grinned. He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead gently as I blushed.

"Bye." I said in barely a whisper as he evaporated into white smoke. I closed my eyes as I thought about what I would do tomorrow, and drifted off into an easy sleep.


"Carolina! Get up!" My mom screeched up the stairs. I jumped up in my bed and was breathing heavily, sweat running off my forehead. I wiped it off and looked around the room. Everything seemed perfectly normal, but I groaned when I remembered I had to go to school. Great, another day of loneliness with no friends to hang around with. Shoulders pushing past me; the usual. Was I ever someone? Someone from the popular crowd? I'm sure I wasn't always like this.

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