Chapter 42: Love You Still

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Melissa's POV:

It is 1:00 and I am currently wearing an outfit that was bought by Mitch... And he really knows my style I guess? Because I love how I looked. he said that we would go on a date today... how cute! just right on the day that i could get out.

After my mom signed the papers, I could get out. As soon as I did, Chloe was there "Hey!! girl, leggo to 1st stage" she says "First stage? what is that?" i asked "You'll see" she says winking at me and grabbing my hand, dragging me to Felix's car

"Welcome to stage One" a banner was written... on... and my head is trobing a bit "I-Is this our lunch table? isn't it a saturday?' I asked "Oh how great right? stage one is just the beggining" Felix said. All of a sudden, Mitch came in with his jock uniform "Hey, remember this part?" he asked me, my head pounded a bit more "Y-yeah, The day we f-first met" I admitted while running a hand through my hair

I closed my eyes and when i opened them, Mitch was gone "Stage 2!!" Chloe says taking my hand to the entrance of the school "Close your eyes" she says. I followed her orders and oppened them after 10 seconds. She and Felix are gone... then Mitch shows up

"Hey, remember the defense?" he asks me. My head hurt a bit and as i was about to pinch the bridge of my nose, he pinched it for me "I am really sorry about the pain" he says "It's alright, you have a great intention for it" I tell him smilling.

"Stage three... is with me for the rest of the day" he says smilling widely to the point that his eyes crinkle. So cute!! i smiled back and took his hand. We went in Felix's car but Mitch would drive.

We went to an Icecream shop... this place is sooo familiar.... while my head was being a little witch, Mitch snapped me out of my thoughts "What icecream flavor do you want?" he asks "Chocolate with caramel syrup" I told him. He told our orders to this slutty girl who was our waitress

As we sat down, she stated flirting with Mitch. Damn girl, can't you remember he burnt you before? and can't she keep her legs closed? wow, jealousy is really taking over me "So, you guys are back" the slut said "Yeah, on a date so shut up" he says smilling at her. She scoffed and walked away. As she did, i couldn't help but giggle at what he just did

"Did you just really do that for me?" I asked him "Oh yeah. Why shouldn't I clarify how our state is, I love you too much to allow her to flirt with me" he says holding my hands accross the table "Well, thats not how you felt when Brianna did this to you..." I said remembering that day

"I got caught up with it, but I'm not letting that happen again. I love you" he says kissing both my hands. I looked down and smiled, I'm way too lucky to even have him. We ate our icecream and talked about random topics that made us laugh hard. Little miss slutty on the side kept rolling her eyes when Mitch would tell sweet stuff to me. SCORE!!

"Hey, we have to go to the 4th stage. Come on" he says getting up. I got up and as soon as I did, he wrapped his arm around my waist holding me. Slut for life on the other hand walked away, me ad Mitch looked at each other then laghed. His laugh

I was blindfolded as I walked through the park with Mitch's guide "Ready?" he asks "Yup" i said. When he took my blindfold off... the treehouse!! but pictures and quotes were hanginng from them "M-Mitch" i managed to whisper "GAHH!' I screamed letting all the memories fall back in my head as I dropped to my knees. He instantly holds me close "Baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean for the pain to rush through this fast!!!" he panics rocking me and him back and forth

"Mitch, you're my really supportive boyfriends. You defnded me infront of a lot of people, you and I had a torture date, we went to the places when we had "The Hang"... Mitch... I Love You.. and I remember you... I remember us...thank you" I told him then i hugged him "My baby is back... MY BABY IS BACK!!" He shouted while getting while carrying me bridal style. We were both teary eyed.

Then... he kissed me... the lips. I was shocked! I unfroze and kissed back

"I love you" he whispered letting me down and looking strait in my eyes and holding me close "I love you too" I whispered back smiling along with him


HAPPY VALENTINES DAY PEOPLE!!!! how was this special chapter? pretty long right? I pray so. Comment and Vote for this chapter please!! I feel good about this chapter 😊 and if it also affected your feels, sorry!! I just needed something really sweet!!!

See you on the next chapter!!!!!!!!!

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