Chapter 27: Days Later

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Melissa's POV:

🚥🚦Time Skip To 3 days later🚦🚥

It's been 3 days since me and Leah have been growing closer an closer together. She awesome! We've got lots of stuff in common. I kept thinking about this while walking to school because she's a great companion

As I was getting there I heard someone call me by the nickname he have me "Baby!!" he screamed happily hugging me from behind "Haha! good morning Mitchy" I tell him "G'mornin Baby" he says snuggling his face on my neck while we walked

When we I got to school, he stopped hugging me but he put his arm around my shoulder. I can never get enough of him! he's the best first boyfriend ever. Then, I saw the group in front of us coming our way

"Hey Mitch!" Brianna says with open arms running towards him. Just as she was gonna reach him, Mitch grabbed a geeky/nerdy guy who was beside him and he shielded himself with the geek/nerd

"Ewwww!!" Brianna screams once she got a hold of him "U-um Hi m-miss Brianna" the guy said blushing "Ahhhh!!!!" she screams and runs away. Leaving me, Mitch, the guy and everyone who saw what happened laughed really hard

When we got to my class, I hugged Mitch and kisses his cheek "Bye Mitchy" I said to him "Bye baby" he says holding both of my cheeks and kissing my forehead. We exchange I love you's and went to class

"Gurl!!!" I heard someone call "McKenzie!!" I say. Sat near each other like most of the time "So, I heard about what your boy got Brianna hugging Mark" she says "If you saw what happened with your own eyes you would want to laugh so hard" I say. We talked a bit more and continued on with classes

🍩At Lunch🍦

I got my food and went to the table of our team and everyone was happy except Chamile "Aye guys" I say "Hey! sit here I need to tell you something" Chloe says "Okay" I tell her

"Notice Chamile?" she asks "Yeah, she's looking pretty down today. What happened?" I asked "Well, An old friend of hers and Her aren't in a good state. All because that friend or her real name Ashly Davide was just using her. what a fake plastic person!" Chloe says

"Oh my gosh! that's horrible" I say "Yeah, right now, she just doesn't trust all of us because she's afraid that we might just be using her too but we don't. We understand though, what Ashly did was pretty heart breaking" she says

"Well, what makes he really happy?" I ask her "That's not how to cheer he up, she needs to just cool of that's all" Chloe says "Ok" I tell her an we all eat. "Chloe mah sweet, I hear that there's movie that's the same as our situation. Wanna watch with me at the theater?" Felix asks Chloe "Okay Felix, but Imma pay for my food" Chloe replies "We'll see" he says

🌁After School🌁

I walked over to where Leah and I decided to meet up at and saw her there "Leah!!" I screamed "Quiet!!" she screams playfully "So, what are we doing today?" I ask her "Well, I wanted to give you something" she says

She brings out a chocolate cupcake "This is for all and everything you've done for me, Thank you so much!" she says "You seriously gonna give me this for what I did for yah? What I do with you is stuff I do that only my Bestfriends know how it feels" I tell her

"Which is why, I must five you a chocolate dream of perfection" she says "Fine, I'll eat it" I say to her. We ended up talking more and more about our selves and went home

Never would I think that finally, after all the work is done, nothing bad has happened yet to me. We will help Chamile with her problem soon. For now, I need some shut eye.


Hey there!! Belated Happy Halloween/Happy Halloween you guys!!!! yeah, I haven't been updating on a good schedule. I just have to balance school, my Bestfriends, problems and this book. Don't worry though, this book ain't fished yet until I say so. This chapter was on porously a bit longer than usual too ;)

See you in the next chapter!!!!

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