Chapter 16: Leah's Knowledge

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Melissa's POV:

As I was walking to the cafe since it was recess time I kept thinking about Leah. I was wondering about how she would know all of this, she's new here and all but what kind of connection does she have with the Pop Girls? Maybe I'll ask her when I get there.

☕️At The Cafe☕️

I saw Leah sitting down drinking coffee and on the phone with someone, when she saw me she waved and smiled at me then she quickly put down her phone. Weird, but I can't judge her, she's new from school. Maybe she had a less important person to talk to?

"Hey Mel!" she said all happy "Hi Leah, did I disturb your call?" I asked her "No, the person who called me was an ummm old friend" she said "Ok then, what's to know about the Pop Girls?" I asked her "Here's the thing, 1.The note that was on your locker was fake, Chealsy wanted to ruin your chance to be friends with McKenzie" she said "Ok" I said

"2. She also wants to plan on humiliating you in public with Mitch so that he will leave you and make her self look good and take him from you" she said "O-ok" I said getting scared "3. Be on the look out for Mitch, if he acts in a weird way comfort him. Tell him you love/like/care or what ever you guys call it through actions" she said

"Leah, thank you so much for this info! This is BIG help" I told her "No problem, you looked like you needed help on the truth so I ended up here" she said "Can I ask you something?" I asked her "Shoot" she said "How did you get all of this info, are you close to them?" I asked her

"U-ummm... girl I can't say, a great pro hacker can't show her secrets" she said "Oh ok but-" and before I could finish the bell rang "I guess I'll see you around" she says "Ok, see you" I said smiling with her.

Leah is a good girl but I have this weird feeling about her that she is being used by the Pop Girls. Well, just brush it of Mel because school will have to kick your butt more.

📙After Class📓

School for the rest of the day was both great and bad, why? because the Pop Girls wanted to insult me more so they did and a teacher, Chloe and Brice helped me out. Then Chealsy tried making Mitch like her but Mitch once again burned her! like acid rain on trees!!

Leah and I have talked before I left school, she shared her life story to me. Like about Her family treats her unfair with her younger sister Angel. I felt bad for her cause I knew how it felt, to be treated wrong for no reason. From what I see, she is a strong person

She stood up for herself when she needed to, she never gave up on herself, she doesn't cut and she doesn't walk around showing it! Come to think about it, she's great!

Then after thinking about Leah, Mitch's face popped in. Mitch, great guy, doesn't brag about himself, great in PE, my boyfriend... boyfriend... I couldn't believe I can call him that, even until now. I hope he stays with me, he's my first boyfriend. I can't tell him or he might take random chances of using me

The came Chloe. She and I are closer than any of the other members, she went through so many things na told me about herself. Other than her boyish side, she takes the time to read books, listen to music, eat chocolates and she's the kind of person you would want to be with EVERY day

Then came the thought of her and Felix, our plan wasn't on motion yet because Felix wanted to think of more ways to convince her more that he is in love with his best friend, Chloe. Brice? he's been a joker or a comedian for all of us in the lunch table. Brice and Felix are SOOO close. They act like they are brothers A LOT.

All I could say now is... I'm lucky. For all of these people, I just wish Elsie was here with me. But on with what I was saying, these people are the only reason's why I want to go to school. They... are my true friends......... and boyfriend.


Hey guys! I hope this could cover up on missing out on updating yesterday.

Special thanks to my greatest BFF monsterikaaa!! I want you guys to follow her and read her book called "Officially Mine" (Yes, it is a real book). It's about BFF love!!

See you guys at the next chapter!!

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