Chapter 18: Chealsy

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Melissa's POV:

After yesterday, it felt great. Chloe and Felix or should I say "Chloix" are officially dating!! Chloe was literally the happiest person yesterday, why shouldn't she? She IS now dating the man of her day dreams.

I was walking to get to school and Mitch caught up to me "Hii! BABY!!" He said smiling wide "Hi Mitch" I said planting a kiss on his cheek, that felt great!! We got to the school hallway and of course Chealsy was there looking at Mitch. And like every single time, flirted with him

"Hi Mitchy Poo!" Cheasly said in a very flirty way while running towards him "I'm taken and Happy!" Mitch screamed "Like I said, you can do better and by better I mean me" she says flipping her hair "You? better than Mel? What a joke!" Mitch said grabbing my hand and walking always with me beside him.

We left Chealsy behind u and let her emote a little. We laughed and snickered about it and started talking about her stupidity, specially the fact her face looked so embarrassed!! Oh Mitch. Just like every day.

🍘Skip to Recess🍘

After first and second period, I went to the cafe. I never mentioned its name yet, probably because I sometimes forget. The name of the place is "Ella's Cafe" (Not a real cafe!! Keep reading now :3) and it's a great cafe. After I ordered a drink, Chealsy came in by her self.

She was ordering her drink or something. I just hate her! I just need her to back of already. I love Mitch and I know she knows I do, but she's so desperate for Mitch. She's lucky I'm the kind of person who doesn't want to start fights. I'm weak when it comes to the people I love

She saw me and glared at me. The she came closer to me, o gosh "Why did Mitch want you?" she said getting all in my face "I don't know" I told her looking down "Hmp! I don't know about you but I'll make him mine one day so watch your back" she said. I just looked down and then she left. I hope Mitch will stay faithful to me,

I love him but Chealsy is right. He deserves better and Chealsy got the looks and the body. Oh well, I gotta do my best to let Mitch stay with me.


Hey there! I know, I haven't been updating. Its because of studies and that tomorrow is our examination. I'm really sorry guys!! Thanks for still reading this too. I hope I can update soon too.

See you at the next chapter!!

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