Chapter 21: Stand

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Chloe's POV:

I'm getting SOO worried for Mel. I jut remembered what I did to Mitch and Brianna yesterday when I saw Mel leaving school while crying..

💭 Flash Back💭

I was confused why I caught Mel crying home, She never has done THAT before. I looked over the fields and I saw Brianna and Mitch. Brianna flirting and Mitch taking it in?!?! That does it!! I came closer to them and I saw Brice he saw me, saw what I was furious about and came with me

"Mitch what the heck are you doing!?!" I started "Oh, just accepting praise" he said getting proud "And I know you guys will win the next game coz' you're in the team" Brianna spoke "Mitch? Have you forgotten about Mel?" Chloe sad "Oh yeah! I forgot..." He said sounding guilty "Mitch even the clues we gave you at lunch time you can't even think of her?!" Brice said

"I..I... I need to talk to her" Mitch said getting Brianna off of him "Tooooo late Mitch! She went home already" I said "Yeah! you HAVE to stay with ME instead" Brianna said "Well Mitch, she's right... stay with HER and someone else can take Mel, someone worth her time" Brice says getting angry

"W-wait! I love her guys! guys no no no can loose her. You guys have to help me!" Mitch says getting worried and sad "Sorry Mitch but you're on your own" I said and Brice and I walked home. Lucky enough we can stand up to anyone for our best friends

👥Back To The Present👤

That just bothered me a lot. I saw Mel at her locker "Mel!! You ok?

Melissa's POV:

"Mel!! You ok?" I heard, Chloe!! "Hey Chloe" I said smiling a bit. She's the best!! "Mel, did Mitch talk to you today?" She asked "No... but leave him be" I said "I'll be fine with because I have you and Brice" I said "Alright, wanna have some coffee? We both have a test on History" Chloe said "Ok" I said smiling. "Brice might join us" she said "Better!" I said

I'm lucky I've got Chloe and Brice!! they are closest to me. Chloe being my true best friend and Brice a my big bro!

I wouldn't want to walk around without them by my side.

Mitch's POV:

I messed up so bad! my popularity got in the way of me and my Mel's love. I'm such an IDIOT! How and Why did I let this happened? maybe because my popularity got up? maybe because of the attention? maybe because my guy friends wanted to hang with me more?

I went to me and the guys' hang out witch was the basketball court "Mitch! you look bummed? What's wrong?" Cardigan said "My girlfriend... I haven't been hanging with her anymore and now I just miss her too much" I said "Who needs a girlfriend?" Cardigan said out loud "Yo Team! Get over here" Cardigan said

"A girlfriend will just lay you down until you've lost every game! Dude just end your relationship go" He said "Yeah Mitch! plus, she isn't as hot as Brianna and Chealsy" Brent said "What the heck did you just call my girlfriend?" I said

"Dude!! chill!!" Cardigan said "No I won't 'Chill'! Mel is my everything and if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be inspired to do my all for the game. Why? Have you guys had a girlfriend who treats you the way Mel does to me? Or are you making up bull crap about love?" I said. All of them stood quiet

Cardigan was furious with me "Let me make your job easy Big C, I quit" I said and ran of. Majority before I left where saying 'what?' or 'Mitch No!' and 'Did he just?'... I couldn't take it! I went home and got a piece of paper

I planned how am I going to say sorry to her and what I will say to her. I called Felix who fortunately is with me even if he was also pissed in me. Oh Mel, I'm so sorry! I love you so much, I can't believe I left you broken. I will always Stand for you


Hey!! I updated!!! Amazing how Chloe and Brice stood up for Mel don't you think? lucky enough, most people have best friends like this. Poor Mitch! but he deserved that butt kick though, lucky enough Felix forgave him 😊 I'll update soon!!

See you on the next chapter!!!!

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