Chapter 3: The Pop Girls

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Melissa's POV:

After science class I said goodbye to Mitch, I couldn't believe it! He was really interested in what we were talking about. He was very playful and even the teacher couldn't complain about him anymore because the teacher new him too well.

As I walk to the next room I saw three girls glaring at me. Looking at me up and down like I was someone lost, probably because I was new here. I looked away as quick as I could and continued walking but I heard their footsteps chasing for me and sadly....They caught me.

"Where do you think you're going?" the blond one who wore a pink fitting T-shirt and a white mini skirt said "I think she's going to her next class" another girl who wore a blue blouse that showed her chest... al said "or to the surgeon to fix her ugly face!" the black haired one who wore really short shorts and a loose crop top said, with her comment they all laughed. One of them slapped me square in the face

"Enough!!" someone said, I knew her voice TOO well, just who I needed beside me. McKenzie. "Let go of Mel right now!!" Kenzie said

"Oh so that's her name! it really suits her stupid face perfectly" the blonde one said "Thanks for allowing me to record all you guys said, now let her go or ill show this to the principal" Kenzie said "Ugh fine" all the girls who bullied me said.

After they let me go they left without another word "You ok?!? What else did they do?!?!" she asked concernedly "I'm fine, one of them slapped me though but I'm fine" I said "The blonde one is Chealsy Snow, the blue bloused one was Samantha Shmit and the girl I haven't mentioned yet was Jenna Frann.

They call themselves 'The Pop Girls'. I'm really sorry for not being on time" Kenzie said "It's alright but I really need to get to class now, thanks SOO much for saving me" I told Kenzie "Ok me too, stay safe and stay away from them" she said "yeah, I will" I said

I ran to my next class, History, and when I got in I was greeted by stares bye every single student. I felt humiliated, my first late on my first day. "Excuse me but you are?" the teacher asked "I'm Melissa Skye and I'm so sorry for being late" I told the teacher as sincere as possible

"It's alright, just don't do it again and please explain why you have a massive red mark on your cheek?" he asked "I uh, clumsily tripped on the way here" I lied to him "Ok, but be careful and come on time next time" he said "I will" I said


Hi guys! I'm so so so sorry I wasn't able to update for quite an amount of time. I'll try to update again sooner but still, i have to help up my grades some more but I wont give up in this yet. Have a wonderful week 😋

See you on the next chapter!!!!!!!!!

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