Chapter 35: Don't Leave Me

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Mitch's POV:

I was just sitting down thinking. About life, studies, my great friends, Mel.... Melissa Skye... every time I read or hear her name it makes me smile. She makes me happy, she's funny, had a great mind and heart and once she says 'I Love You', know that she means with full heart.

All of a sudden, I heard the door bell ring. I knew my mom was there so she should have opened the door. Then, Chloe and Felix burst through the door having a worried and concerned looks "Hey Guys!.... What's with the faces?" I ask them "No one told you yet?" Felix spoke "About what?" I ask him sitting down on my bed

"Well.... Felix you tell him" Chloe said "No, ladies first" he told her "Well, you're closer to him in a brotherly way" she points out "Well, you're the one who's LITERALLY next to him" Felix says "JUST TELL ME!" I blurt out "Mel got hurt... by a car accident..." Felix said looking down

My heart shattered and sank "WHAT!?!?" I asked furiously "Dude calm dow-" "CALM DOWN?!? THATS MY BABY GETTING HURT!!! WHO'S THE REASON BEHIND THIS?!? WHO?!?! SHE DOESNT DESERVE PAIN THAT HEAVY AND YET THAT HAPPENED TO HER?!?!? CLARIFICATION. MY. BABY. IS. HURT. HORRIBLY!!!!" I screamed as I cut what Felix said

I got up my bed and trashed almost the whole place until my mom, Felix and Chloe stopped me. I sat on my bed again and started to cry "Among all people..... among all times ..... why her? Why now?" I say and start crying. Chloe and my mom came to me, my mom hugging me and Chloe patting my back

"Before I forget, we can visit Mel's mom at the hospital" Felix said with all heart trying to snap my tears, and it worked "Come on let's go" I say grabbing my jacket, phone and wallet. We all rode on Felix's car (Btw. Felix has a Maroon Adventure car) and drove to the hospital

👤At The Hospital🏥

We wen't and saw Mel's mom crying. Chloe being the closest to Mel's mom ran towards her and started to comfort her "Mrs. Skye? Are you alright? How is she doing?" I ask her getting and my knees and looking up on her "I-I don't k-know..... She's still being checked and is being fixed" she says crying. I got up and covered my face, wiped it going down the rest of my face. I can't afford to loose her... not when I found her just a few months ago

I got to the door where the doctors where fixing her and stood still with tears on my eyes "Stay strong baby... please.... don't leave me.... not yet ...... I love you...." I said wiping the tears in my eyes


OMG I'm so sorry for the ultra long wait!!! Honestly, it's a bit hard to right what's going to happen next sometimes and exams are next week 0_0 it's time to cram again. Well, Christmas is coming right? During school break I will try to update regularly. Please leave a comment on how this chapter went or any suggestions :)

See you in the next chapter!!!!!!!!

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