Chapter 24: Torture Date

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Melissa's POV:

I was at my house building a fort. Yes. Nerdy me building a fort before Mitch comes over. I got the fort right, prepared 2 lamps for the studying part. Since tomorrow is a saturday, It's perfect! I can torture him with math and history until 12:00!!

I hear the doorbell ring and I went downstairs. I was wearing Puppy pajamas and sweater with a black T-shirt inside while he was wearing a white T-shirt with "Sleepy Guy" on it with his Finn and Jake pajamas, how cute!! "Hey Baby!" Mitch says and kisses my cheeks "Hello Mitchy" I said "Mitchy?" he asks "Yeah" I said proudly

He brought his bag too which was filled with books, notebooks, pens and other study stuff. We went to my room and he looked surprised when he saw the fort I made "How cute!" he said and went in it. He started rolling around and hugging my favorite pillow "Hey! that's my fave pillow" I said "Well, Imma gonna spread my all over another" he said grabbing the pillow meant for my head.

I roll my eyes at him and begin to torture him with history then science then his least fave... Math "And then when you multiply X with 23 you must get the number 138, got it?" I asked him "1. no 2. Isn't this torture enough!?!" He says. Since he came to my house at 7:30 and it's already 9:15 I'll let him rest

"Ok, break for the rest of the night" I said "Yay! I love you" he says and kisses my cheek "Yeah yeah" I said and slowly got out of the fort and got out our snacks. Minecraft themed Rice Krispy treats!! by the way, he loves minecraft too "I has Treats!" I say and smile wide when he came out with a puppy ear headband acting like a puppy

"Woof! Woof! err thank wu!" he says as I put down the trey of them treats. I giggle every time he would do random stuff, at least I know that he and I are both people who can get wild at times "Baby Boo Boo went Boom Boom!" he said. I laughed at him "Who's that!?!?" I say "That's Chloe and Felix's Child!"

He says

"That would be cute though!" I said "I know right? Felix has charm and Chloe got the face and the brains" he says "Hahaha! truueee" I say "So what shall we do now?" I ask Mitch "I dunno...hmmm... let's play a game!" he says "Like a virtual one?" I ask "Yeah! a Horror one! Five Nights at Freddy's?" He says. I nod pretending I wasn't afraid of horror stuff

Stuff like that creep me out and make me feel scared. He had brought his IPad with the game in it "Alright, First night!!" he says getting excited "Y-Yeah" I say, Friggen stutters "You ok? You scared?" he asks "N-no! just a bit anxious" I say. He looked back at the screen and I grabbed my fave pillow

We made it to the 4 night in the game and I was terrified, it's really scary for me! and all of a sudden while he was playing, the duck was at one of the doors and no matter how many times he taped the door button it wouldn't close. The duck came to us and scared the heck out of me, I screamed

"Baby, you ok?" He asked hugging me making sure my head was close to his chest "I-I should've told you I was scared of these kind of things" I said "Didn't I ask you if we should play it?" he asks "Well, you got excited a-and I didn't want to ruin your happiness" I said "I would only be happy if you're happy ok?" he says

"O-ok" I said "Well, it's late and I need to go home now. Bye baby" he says "W-wait!" I say before he lets go "Hm?" he says "C-can you stay until I'm a sleep?" I ask. He chuckled and said "Ok baby, I'm so sorry for the scare" he says "It's a-alright" I say

We cleaned up first and removed the fort, then arranged my bed and I got in it. He followed my and laid beside me, holding my close and holding my hand "Good Night baby" he says then kisses my cheek "Good Night Mitch" I say closing my eyes

Not only was he my boyfriend, he was my protector. Best torture date at home ever!


Hey there! I'm so so so so sorry I didn't update for DAYS (Like 4-5 days I think). But here is my update now! Torture Date became Loving Date plus a little peek on what is Five Nights at Freddy's or Fredie's? i dunno, any ways I hope this was a cute chapter!

See you in the next chapter!!!!!!

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