Chapter 38: I Promise

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Mitch's POV:

"W-who are you?" She says. I sat down and hugged her hand on my face "It's me Mel... Mitch..... Your boyfriend" I tell her "I-I have a b-boyfriend? B-but I'm weird and.... I'm not even pretty.... I can't even remember" she said looking around, I know she is scared "I can't remember.... I can't.. Remember... I CAN'T REMEMBER" she screamed getting even more scared

I got up and hugged her "No! Let me go!" She said. It stung so much, but I'm not letting go because if I do.... she might brake the whole hospital room. She was still struggling in my grip, I'm surprised I still have energy because I only ate a little. Eventually,she gave up.... now she just snuggling up to me... crying

"Baby... it's alright... I'll do me best to bring back your memory, you want that baby?" I ask her gently "P-please M-Mitch..." she says crying. I gently kiss the side of her head... gosh I wish the Mel I know was here "Calm down first Baby, you still need to heal" I tell her

"Wait, I'm in a hospital?" She says "Sadly, yes" I tell her "Holy crap I am in a hospital!! Wait... GAHHH!!" She said holding her head "Now I remember why I'm here but... ouch! Ummmmm ouch!! WHY DOES MY HEAD HURT SO BAD???" She screamed

"Shhhh it's ok baby it's ok shhh.." I kept repeating that sentence while she was panting. The doctor came in and ask Mel some stuff about the pain. I didn't pay much attention... I kept thinking:

If she could remember a bit... I need to bring her somewhere or give her something that will remind her of me, the squad and her family... Down side to this, her head will hurt... Maybe I should try it anyways

"A-alright so, I'm Melissa Skye, I go to MMHS, My mom is Maria Skye and my father is Sheron Skye.... My Best friends are Chloe, Elsie, Felix, Brice..... Oww!!! Here we go again!!" She says wincing because of the pain. I hug her tighter "What do you remember?" I ask her "T-the Pop G-girls..." she says tearing up.

I knew she was still afraid of those slutty witches... they are one of the reasons why she was in this position... they made me loose my baby... worst of all, before she got hit, they beat her up... And I will NEVER forget what they have done to her

I kiss her cheek 4 times strait then snuggle up on her neck. I looked at her and she blushed "I-I never t-thought having a boyfriend was possible for me.... and that your r-really sweet..." she tells me "I'll be honest with you, you do deserve a boyfriend... and an even better one too" I tell her

"I'd r-rather stick to t-the one I h-have" she say slowly holding one of my hands. I smile and hold her's too "Don't worry baby... I'll help you get more of your memories back... I promise" I whisper in her ear. She giggled when I I blew in it

A few minutes later, she fell a sleep. I called her Mom and Chloe to let them know she woke up and didn't have her memory... except for her accident and about the pop girls. Now, I'm just on my phone scrolling through my twitter and eating some KFC that I got... yup... I'm eating

As I scroll, I found out that Felix took charge of finding Leah. We want her to apologize to Mel and to at least receive a punishment... a small one they said.... Grrrr she as the pop girls need to get YEARS of hard time for this...... but then I stopped those thoughts and started thinking about how I can bring back Mel's memory

I can start with her memory of Chloe, hmmmmm..... Maybe I should get Chloe to wear her outfit on the day the met each other!! Then next would be for Elsie... maybe she should quote something memorable? Possible... For Brice, his varsity jacket on the day they first met... For her family... maybe we can bring her somewhere her memories with her family was very memorable

this has to work.....


So yeah!! That's my update!! Less depressing? Yes? No? Maybe? Whatever 😹 just wait for the next update I guess

See you on the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!

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