Chapter 39: Memory Of Chloe

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Chloe's POV:

After Mitch told me what to do for tomorrow, I was REALLY excited!!! I really wanted to have the old Mel we had... I pray that this will work!! I got all of the clothes I'm going to wear and texted Elsie about what was she going to do

Hey El! Sorry to disturb, just wanted to know if you're ready for tomorrow. Btw, what are you going to do for her to remember you? ~Chloe

I texted Elsie. I looked at everything I've got and I sighed. Then, my phone buzzed

Sup Chloehh!! I'm good to go. I'll be going there wearing my graduation outfit 😂😂 people will think I'm strange but yeah. Then I'll quote our promises~ Elsie

Oh for reals? I wonder what your promised are... ~Chloe

I replied to her. Then she texted back

You'll see tomorrow, knowing you, you might have tears in your eyes 😏~Elsie

That girl

No promises!! Maybe I might stay strong 💪👏 I gotta get some sleep, Nighty!!😘😘~Chloe

Let's see 👀 hahaha!! Sleep tight 😘😉~Elsie

Let's just say, I'm afraid of what might happen, what of this doesn't work? What if doesn't remember? Calm down Chloe, it's going to happen. Get some sleep

🌅In Le Morning🌅

Elsie's POV:

This is it!! The Mel we know MIGHT come back, oh how I pray this will work. When I got to the hospital, I went strait to the comfort room nearest to Mel's hospital room and changed my attire. Knowing there are a few people outside, I know I'll get all eyes on me. After I changed into my graduation outfit, Chloe popped into the comfort room

"Hey.... Chloe" I told her awkwardly, she should t be in the comfort room as the fact that her face showed worry "I thought you'd be the first to give Mel her memory of you back?" I asked her

"Well, I'm scared this wouldn't work. What of she won't remember me? What if she can't work her mind through this? What if this plan won't work? What if we're just wasting-"

"This won't be a waste of stuff!!" I yelled a bit, not wanting to think of the things that have the possibility of happening "Sorry for yelling, I'm as worried as you are alright? Just don't doubt Mitch's plan yet" I told her gently and holding her shoulders

We then had a good calming hug "Thanks Elsie" she murmured in my grasp "No problem, now let's go get our Mely Wely Belly!!" I said. Be both laughed as we got to her room. As I expected, people looked at me weirdly.

Me and Chloe were at the door knowing that Mitch is inside the room with her makes me less nervous

"This is it... we're going to see if we can bring her back" I said "I know, me first or you?" She asked "You, a deal is a deal"

"Here I go" she says. I followed her in the room. Good Luck.

Melissa's POV:

"Hi There! I'm Chloe Chua!! What's you're name?" A girl who looked familiar yet I couldn't put my finger on who she was "I'm Melissa, Melissa Skye" I replied "Well, we go to the same school together. Take this schedule, read them Carefully" she told me "Um, ok then" I told her

I took the schedule from her hands and started reading through it. Under the schedule was written 'Meet the new girl named Mel at lunch!! EXCITED!!!' Then my head started to throb and hurt "AGH!!!" I said grabbing my head intertwining my fingers around my hair and a memory started playing.

" How about this, lets meet up at lunch! I'll wait for you at the entrance of the cafeteria and I'll tell you more about this place" she said and I just agreed. I'm guessing me and her are gonna get along pretty quickly AND I need to know more about this place if I want to survive it.

"C-Chloe? OMG how could I not recognize you quick enough!!!" I screamed happily "Mel!!! You.. You remembered..... YOU REMEMBERED!!!" She screamed happily and ran to hug me "I missed you so much she explained with some muffling tone since she buried her face on my shoulder.

We both started tearing up and then we let go "Mel, there's someone here to see you" Mitch says "Up next, Elsie"


ERMERGERD WHAT HAVE I DONE TO YOU ALL!!!! I'm so sorry!!!!! I haven't updated in the longest of time!!!! Forgive me please? I made this chapter longer than the other chapters for you guyths 😊 also, LATE HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

Btw!! Any Filipinos out there? Please read Infinity Love. Follow SupermanKelee2Beyond and read her one shot (Encourage her to make a long boom please!!!!) be sure be kilig to the bones!! Gawin niyo yan ha? 😉

See you on the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!

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