Chapter 44: Catching Up

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🏠At The Skye's House🏠

Melissa's POV:

After Leah apologized to me about 4 days ago, I felt better. All my memories came back, my friends are in great states but the worst fact is... I'm going to school this monday. As much as I'm a nerd, school still is stressful. Making me wish that I was back in a vulnerable and forgetful state

But I wouldn't change that, thank God I have my memories

After what Mitch did for me on February 14, I had to get back to the hospital for a bit but I'm official out now. Felix, Chloe and Leah by now are still trying and I mean TRYING to be friendly towards each other yet end up getting all awkward and stuff

Since I was thinking so deep, I ended up not noticing my door open, with my dad peeking through it "Hi Sweetie" he says smiling "Mitch is here, should I let him in?" He asks "Yeah dad, we'll just hang out here in the room" I tell him politely "Ok, just keep the door wiiiide open. If he touches you in a sexual manner, scream. If her hurts you then the same rule applies and if he-" "Dad, it's ok, I understood" I cut him and started to giggle

"Alrighty then, love you" he says chuckling "I love you too dad" I tell him back. A few moments later, Mitch came in "Herow there Baby!!" He says opening the door to its widest "Hey Mitch" I tell him

"So, whatcha doing here?" I ask him "I missed you and guess what I brought" he says pulling out two plastic bags of McDonalds "No way! Your the best!" I tell him "Just to clarify and show you how I also love your family too, I got them some too! Which your sisters are attacking with your dad right now" he says smiling and placing the food on my bed

We started eating until he got a call "Hello? Yeah? For real? Cool, see ya" he says really quick "Who was that?" I asked "Chealsy, she got my number for some reason" he tells me frowning "Why'd you save her number though?" I asked "So I know that it's her when she calls, don't worry, if she calls or texts me I will only answer if your around" he says kissing my cheek

"And people say I'm the dork" I tell him "Hey! We're both dorks!" He says "Yeah, your just worst" I tease him "I'll show you! Look at these... Fries!!" He says. We both went into a fit of giggles, wow check him out!! "Baby, I have to ask you something" he says after he stops giggling

"Yeah?" I replied "Where are you going for collage?" He asks "I'm not sure yet, why?" I asked him "So I'd still be with you!!" He says pulling me into a hug. "Seriously?" I ask him "Siruply" he says making a goofy smile "Sirup? For real?" I ask him chuckling "For real baby... for real" he says

🍁After Cleaning Up🍁

Mitch had left since he needed to get his study equipment. So now, I'm reading some of my study books and making notes since I have to catch up. I've invited Chloe and Felix for a group study. It's so much fun rather than sitting in your room all alone reading facts that can't just be memorize easily

The bell rang and I quickly went downstairs, when I opened it Chloe, Felix and Mitch were already there "Hey Guys!! Come in!!" I say "Alright!! Let's get this book reading and brain hurting party" Felix says sarcastically "Felix!!!" Chloe replies

Well, so much for focusing on catching up!


Yay! I updated! To the one who requested this to be updated somewhere in our afternoon... sorry!! Busy 😭 damn schedules!!! Anyways, praying guys liked this chapter and the fact that Mel's Dad showed up just makes me slightly proud... I have no idea why. Please Vote and Comment :)

See you on the next chapter!!!!!!

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