Chapter 45: The End

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🎲Time Skip To Their Graduation Day 🎲

Melissa's POV:

"And today, we will forever remember how we began to learn to take more responsibility in many more things that as a child, we thought wasn't important. Thank you" Chloe ended her speech

Before we know it... after a few moments... we through our caps in I'm the air screaming happily and proudly at our success. Collage may be coming soon, but summer has began. Which meant that I can finally relax, enjoy more times with my friends, sleep and wake late, maybe even get a tan? I dunno!!!

"Chloe!!!" I screamed as we came to hug each other "This is it, we're getting up and older" I said letting a few tears fall from my eyes. We laughed at that statement "Looks like you and Mitch will have a ton of fun on collage since you both are going together" she says

"Don't think I didn't know about you and Felix's plan!" I pointed out "Yo!! Squad Goals selfie!!!" Brice screams. Me, Chloe, Chamile, Kristen, Kenzie (Since she got close to Chamile while I was away), Mitch, Felix and Brice came in and assembled

"Say 'Squad Selfie'!!" Brice says "Really?" Kristen says "Just go with it!!!" He says

Then, we all said "SQUAD SELFIE!!!"

After that, we went off to a restaurant, where Kristen and Chamile will be paying. After we ordered, we started making plans for saturday "I was thinking about this, since it's a monday, this whole week until sunday we should have our own time for our selves" Kenzie says

"I'm cool with that idea. Then, on monday, what do we do?" Mitch says "Let's rent a beach house!!!!!" I say getting excited while throwing my arms in the the air earning a few stares from other people. I placed my arms down and let out an "Sorry! Go back to what you were doing!!" The squad on the other hand, laughed hard "Aww, my baby is too cute!" He says still laughing a bit then kissing my cheek, I wa blushing hard. Not only because of Mitch, but I was humiliated

"Beach house? Sounds like a plan" Kenzie says "OMG!! I could TOTALY use a tan" Kristen says "Yeah, you seem pale" Chloe says earning out roars of laughter from the squad, all except Kristen of course

"So Guys, let's not make that as soon as the week on our own ends. Some of us want to go on dates too!!" Felix says "Yeah, I agree Mitch says "Alrighty then, let's go to the beach somewhere in April then" Brice says

We all started planning out stuff even when the food arrived. We would only put food in our mouth when we are listening to another person talk. Laughing, brainstorming, making fools out of ourselves until we finished all our food

We said our final good byes and we all went home. When I got home, my family and I celebrated our own party. My mom made pasta, my dad prepared drinks and my sisters and I played minecraft as we waited

"Lanna!!! Don't destroy my house!!" Greta said "Well, I want to live with you but you won't let me!!" Lanna replies "Girls, you know that this house I built is big enough for ALL three of us" I announced "Really? Then I'm living with my Big Sister, see ya G-ster" Lanna says "hey!! She said ALL THREE of us" Greta says

We played some more by editing my house, killing mobs, exploring caves.... one in which I fell in, and lots of other stuff was done. Mom came in the room without us noticing because we were busy being focused

"Girls, time for dinner!" She says "Alright mom, give us a sec" Greta said "aaaand YES!!" I screamed "I have a Diamond axe!!!" I announced "You made Betty?!?" Lanna and Greta replied "Yes" I said proudly. The groaned and then we decided it was time to go and have dinner

After all the eating, sharing of thoughts and lots of my dad's disgustingly funny jokes we went back to our own rooms and slept. Just them though, a stayed up a bit more

I started thinking about how being in high school was fun and stressful and that other lessons weren't learned through books in school. Like how you can fall in love, how you can forgive an forget, choosing between right and wrong and my favorite lesson... Friends

As I thought more about friends, I realized how many categories fit with my friends.

Some of them were Just Friends

Most of them became my Best Friends

One of them becoming More Than A Friend

3 who Never Would Become A Friend

And at some point of my life...

became The Fake Friend



This is the last chapter of my book you guys!!! Wow, I've made it so far now, thanks to you guys. I never really got a chance to thank you all for the reads. 3.2K? That's a HUGE deal for me, thanks you guys so so so so so much!! You've patiently waited for updates, Voted for some of them, just... wow... I never really thought this book would go far.

Once again, thank you!!

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