Chapter 29: Lots I've Done

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Melissa's POV:

I walked to school then, like always, Mitch is here! "Goooood Morning baby" Mitch says "Good Morning Mitchy" I tell him. He puts his arm around my shoulder as we walk "So, what's up?" he asks

"Um, the sky?" I tell him jokingly "Really though!" he says "Alright, nothing much. Just excited for a good hang out with the others" I tell him "Like on lunch?" He asks "Yeah, like that" I said

☺️At School😪

As we walked through the hallways, Brianna Ballistic Banana comes our way "Hey there Mitch" she says seductively. She went overboard today! she was wearing a crop-top, denim shorts that where really REALLY short

"Sorry, the strip club ain't here" Mitch says "Well, I came to make you feel great" she says grabbing the collar on his polo shirt "Sorry but someone else can make me feel greater" Mitch says pushing her off and getting behind me to hug my waist and placing his chin on my head

Brianna scoffed and walked away. Just like Chealsy use to do, she swayed her booty. Making me and Mitch shudder in disgust "She needs to calm down her attitude on you" I tell him "I know right? And is my baby getting jelly?" Mitch asks me "Wha?- No!!" I tell him

"Then what's with the look on your face?" he asks me smirking. I quickly covered my face. Then, he places his hands on top of mine and removes them "Sometimes I just love you and sometimes I just am annoyed by you" I tell him "Shut up my baby you know you love me" he says kissing my cheek

🍱At The End Of Class🍱

As I walked, Leah came to me. "Hey Mel! let's go to the Cafe!!" she tells me "Ok" I tell her. When we got there we ordered "Umm, think you can pay for me? I left my cash at home" she says "Uh, ok" I tell her

🍃The Next Day🍂

⌚️Time Skip To End Of The Day⌚️

Leah and I met up today and started talking about stuff "Hey! Let's go shopping!!" she says "Sure" I told her smiling. What's up with all the buying?

When we got there we went to one of the stores that have cute blouses. I bought one blouse and a pair of skinny jeans while she ended up buying two blouses. We then went to pay for it "Crap! I don't have enough. Mel can you?" she asks me "Fine" I tell her smiling paying for half of what she bought and what I bought

Strange, she doesn't always do this. Oh well, she is usually broke. Why did she start now?

Aye There!! I'm so sorry I didn't update yesterday, mom took our gadgets but here I am now with an update.

See you in the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!

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