Chapter 13:The Hang

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Melissa's POV:

Yes! it's the day, the day when Mitch and I go for 'The Hang'!! I'm SOO excited!! I got my outfit that Chloe told me to buy and wear and put it on. I still couldn't believe Mitch has been doing all if this for me and him, like I said, sweet guy.

I went outside if my house and waited for him. I told him where I lived and I sometimes see him and his friends pass buy. He came and pulled up his car right in front of me "Ready to go?" He asked "Been ready since the day you asked" I told him, he just unlocked the car door and let me in.

🍧At the Ice cream house🍨

We bought our ice cream and sat at a table "So, how was your day so far?" he asks "It was ok, yours?" I ask him "It was tiring, having a brother who needed to be more educated in science is a pain in the head. Lucky enough, I'm still alive and here " he said "I have two younger sisters, I know EXACTLY how you feel" I say

The conversation went on and we just kept talking and having fun. We had a lot of things we had in common! like gaming addictions, younger sibling problems and other stuff. Funny part was when a waitress came to try and flirt with him, he kept making fun of her and pissed her off! not all guys are like that now a days.

"So, it was the moment of silence and I found out that my sister was the one who ate the last of my snack!" I told him, it was about one of my younger sisters "Hahaha! Wow, siblings, the younger the wilder!!"he says

🌲At The Park🌳

He brought us to the park and it was a bit dark but we wanted to still stay, why? I dunno with him "I wanted to show you something here" he said "Ok?" she said. He led me to a tree house "Here, when i was younger i always went here. I would bring my friends over, have fun and... sometimes brought my crush" he said blushing. He was very honest with me, feels great! But I feel like he has a different reason to bring me here.

We went to the balcony area of the tree house. The view from up here was amazing! The sun set, the trees, the white flowers scattered around them and the dancing fountain. Just.Wow.

"I've been wanting to ask you this Mel, I have a huge crush on you! I had it since the day Chloe introduced you to me" he said. I stood there with a mixture of happiness and shock "Mitch I... I was crushing on you too" I said looking away "And I didn't think all this time you where showing it, I knew that you where doing those things on purpose!" I said playfully hitting his shoulder

He just chuckled with me "Can I ask you something?" he asked "Anything" I replied him "Will you be mine?" he asked "Mitch! Yes! but..." I said trailing of sounding sad in the end "But what?" he asked "Your popularity might sink down! I'm just a nerdy girl" I told him

"I don't care about popularity Mel" he said smiling "I only became popular all of a sudden, I didn't want that in the first place. Let it sink, I just wanna make you feel wanted" he said smiling "Well then, it's a yes" I tell him "Yes!" he says and he hugs me. HE hugged me!

"But I need your help on something" I tell him suddenly getting even more excited "What?When?Who and Where?" He asks getting excited with me "Chloe brought us together... I was thinking we could help Felix with his plan for her" I tell him "Then let's!" He says

I can tell, this school year will be a long ride filled with Love, Hate, Drama, Stress, Friendship and More. And am I willing to jump into it? Yes.


Hey there! sorry I haven't updated, I was busy again, I hate busy schedules! but I hope I can get right on track now. See you all in the next chapter!!

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