Chapter 23: All Okay

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Melissa's POV:

My Expectations today was that Mitch wouldn't be with me again, battle the pop girls and deal with studies. Gosh what a mean cruel world!!

📘At School📗

As I walked to school the first expectation was different "Hey Babyy!!" Mitch says kissing me cheek and hugging me from behind stopping we from waking "Hello Mitch" said smiling a bit "You're still pissed a bit aren't you?" he said "Yeah" I said

"How can I make it all ok?" Mitch says "I dunno" I said frowning a little "Hmm.. got time after school?" He asks "Yeah, why?" I asked him "You can torture me when I come over to your house with.... Dare I say it... Studies" he said "And I will bring snacks" he added

"Sound great" I said having lots of math and history questions popping in my mind "Anything for you" he said holding me closer "Gosh now I know why I love you" i said "And that is?" he asks "Something" I teased him "Please tell me!" he begs letting go of me "Nah, maybe never" I said

"Fine keep that as a secret" he says giving up "Hahaha!" I laughed. We laughed, oh how I missed this

We FINALY made it to school and every one noticed me and Mitch holding hands. Brianna saw this, not with the pop girls today? thats a first "What are you doing with her!?!" she asks "Being with my girlfriend" Mitch said "But I just told the whole school you're MY boyfriend!" she said

"Oh gosh... ATTENTION EVERY ONE IN THE HALLWAYS AND ALL WHO CAN HEAR ME" Mitch screamed "To get things strait, Brianna is a liar. I'm still and always am Mel's boyfriend. Go and do your stuff now" he said Brianna scoffed and flipped her hair in front of Mitch

Me and Mitch ended up laughing hard and the ones who saw us went 'awwwww!' . We walked to my class like before "Bye baby" he said "Bye Mitch" I said. He kissed my cheeks and forehead then my nose. I kissed his cheek only though "I love you" I said "I love you too" he said

I got in class thinking about how happy I was again, until Dane passed by my seat "So I heard Mitch is with Brianna now? Wanna make em' jelly?" He says "I'm sorry but I think you didn't hear what Mitch announced this morning, Mitch and I are still a thing. Be gone" I said strait to his face and he walked away embarrassed cause every one heard Mitch's announcement.

On cue, Kenzie came "Girl!! Mitch's announcement though!!" she said sitting beside me "Yeah well... Pure Mitch" i said. We ended up talking about Me and Mitch, then about how stupid Dane was (He heard it too!), then how we where. The teacher then came.

I guess I could say this morning was all okay. Brianna got burned and embarrassed, Dane also got the same treatment, Mitch and I are FINALLY ok and Kenzie and I just went nuts in our convo. And to top it all of, a torture date with Mitch, Can this day get any better!?!?


I updated a bit early!! Yeah!!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, just expect the next chapter would be the torture date 😆

See you in the next chapter!!!!

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