Chapter 37: No...

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Melissa's POV:

"I choose to live" I tell her "As you wish dear but I must warn you" she tells me "What would that be granny?" I ask her "one, there will be a little delay fr you to come back because of your recovery and second...." she says trailing of looking sad "Granny?" I ask "There will be a difference from you. More of mentally, yet I can't figure out what" she says

My heart just literally sank... but I'll sacrifice for the sake of seeing my loved ones "Fine with me Granny" I tell her nervously "Alright deary, just remember that I love you..." she says "I love you too granny" I tell her

Then everything went back........

Mitch's POV:

After waiting for 3 hours with Mrs. Skye, Chloe, Elsie and Felix, the doctor came in once again "You all may see Mel... I would use inside voices if I where you so you won't disturb her need to rest" he says. I quickly got up and went in..... She....she looked so broken......

I walked to her bed and sat on the chair near it and held her hand in mine and placed it on my cheek. Tears formed in my eyes, I couldn't take the fact that this is my Baby.... so hurt and pale.... My Baby...... after that I just cried silently with her hand still in mine

Elsie's POV:

When Mitch went in, it hurt so bad to see him wanting to see her so much... possibly more than we do. When Mitch was crying, I looked at Mel... she was bruised and had scars and just...... I held back the tears even more!! Just then... My mom came in. I told her not to hug me yet but she still did.

I broke down crying in her arms. It's painful to see your Best friends in such great pain... it's not fair... IT'S NOT FAIR!!!! SHE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS!!!

But why? How could this be?.....

😷Time Skip to 1 Week😷

Chloe's POV:

Mel is still in her coma... she hasn't woken up... it's so depressing!! Me and Elsie have gotten closer, I found out that her and me remind me of me and Mel. Oh how I miss her... Felix on the other hand is looking for Leah.....

I hate just thinking about her name!!! She did this... SHE hurt MY best friend..... Other than how upset everyone is.... Mitch has the worst case... he hasn't left Mel's room... he keeps staying there.... can't leave her side... Doctors tried to get him out but nothing stopped Mitch

He can't let go of her hand... he just sits on his chair closest to Mel and hold her hand... if he needs to sleep? He stays in that position... He doesn't eat often... just to get him to eat we have to remind him of how upset Mel would be if he didn't but... he eats just small amounts...

Mitch's POV:

1 week... My baby hasn't waken up yet... it's a saturday afternoon... gosh I'm tired but I'm STILL going to stay on my spot... I want Mel to wake up with me by her side... a tear went down my eye... Her hand is still on one of my hands and I'm snuggling it on my cheek... I felt her hand twitch

Wait!! Her hand twitched!!! Her eyes slowly fluttered open "Baby!!! O my gosh you're awake... you're awake!!!" I say hugging her... then her reply shattered my heart

"W-who are you?" She said

Oh... my.... no......


I'm sorry for depressing you!!! This is the most heartbreaking chapter I've made and LITERALLY while writing this... one of my family members asked me if I was ok 😂😂 GAWSH!!!

See you on the next chapter!!!!!!!!!

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