Chapter 8: Boom Clap!!

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Melissa's POV:

As lunch was over, I came along with Mitch. The note, the question he was going to ask..... I just wish he could ask again "Um, Mitch" I ask "Yes Mel?" He asked "What where you about to ask me last time?" I asked. He looked shocked, then blushed and then smirked a bit and then looked at me.

"It's nothing" he said and after he said that his smirk faded "it's not nothing if it bothers you or me" I say "I'll tell you but I want to get closer to you... you know, get to know each other more?" He said "Oh ok" I say

"So how about this saturday? Just you and me?" He asked all confident. I blushed for a while and the smiled "Sure" I said. I wonder what we will do?


🌅After Class🌅

I was scared, I can't believe Felix is back! I can't afford to get hurt again. I love him but he broke my heart by leaving me behind, I can tell that he was ashamed today for all the things he has done but he deserves it. Well, kinda.

"Chloe" I heard him say. I turned around and saw Felix "Hey, Felix..." seeing him just made my heart brake and melt "I have to be honest with you, I missed you. I'm sorry for walking out but to be clear with you, when you said you loved me... I was secretly loving you too" Felix said and hugged me all of a sudden

"I missed you..." he whispered in my ear. His warm embrace just made loose it, I hugged him back sobbing. It felt so good to know about it. We kept hugging until I let go "Chloe, will you be mine?" He asked "Felix I would love too but... studies first" I said

It hurt to say it but it's true, studies are more important than my love life. He looked a bit disappointed but he smiled a bit and said "Ok, but I will wait... and won't stop waiting until you've made your way to me" Felix said. We hugged again and he let go "See you tomorrow Chloe" he said "See you Felix" I said

I felt MUCH better now. I'll tell Mitch, Brice and Mel tomorrow. Thanks world, glad to know you haven't hated me too much.


Awww!! how sweet!! I have a challenge for you guys. Can you put Felix+Chloe together? I want to have a shipping name for them. I might update again tomorrow, see you there at the next chapter!!

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