Chapter 2: All The Meet ups

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Melissa's POV:

It has already been recess time and McKenzie and I were walking to the small coffee shop near by the school. We ordered and as we waited we got to know each other "So, how was 2nd period?" she asked "It was fun for me I guess, you know, Math is my fave subject" I answered her

" Lucky! My fave is English cause' it's easy for me" she said happily "So, tell me a few things about yourself" She asked looking at me smiling and looking curious "Well, I'm Melissa Skye and I love chocolates, I love chocolate, books, music, minecraft and mathematics" I said "Oh wow! So much in common!!" she said excitedly.

We talked about how chocolate just tastes too good to be true but because this coffee shop is just near the school the bell rang to signal us that recess, We said our goodbyes and left the shop. She seems relatable.

🍲During Lunch🍲

After class came in lunch and there I saw Chloe "Hey! Come on, we might not have a table anymore" she said. We got our lunch and sat at one of the tables that are found on the middle of the cafeteria "So, Ready to get to know the people here at school?" she asked "Ready" I said "First things first, See those boys' she said pointing at a table

"Those dudes are the jocks and believe me, there will be 2 Joining us today. One is my most trusted adviser Brice Maxwell and the other is a good friend of mine Mitch Harris" she said

"Oh! Here they are Sup Dudes!!" she said "Hey Chloeh!! Is this the girl?" One of the guys said "Yes Brice, This is Melissa" She said "Just call me Mel instead" I said, I cant just have them say my first name "Cute name" the other one said, im assuming that he is Mitch. I blushed at what he said plus he cute and hot! Crap, This tomato is now ripe "Oh hey Mitch! O sit beside her" Chloe said, Oh No.

He sat beside me and stared at me "Hi, as you already know I'm Mitch! Id like to ask, can I see your schedule?" He asked, I smiled at Him and gave my schedule "Oh, we have science together. To be honest our science teacher here usually makes us read and ask a partner to help each other, let's be partners?" I just could not believe what he just said "um, yeah" I said "great! That way we'll get to know each other" he said in a happy and a hint of excitement voice.

The whole lunch time we all ate, laughed, got to know each other a little bit and ended up clicking. Just like what happened to me and Kenzie!

The bell rang and I said good bye to Brice and Chloe and came along with Mitch "Hope you don't mind if I don't always pay TOO much attention, I like PE more than science" he said quit proud "well, I'm more in to math so I guess we will be fine" I said smiling to myself . Let's just say, he's pretty cool with me being a weirdo. We may be into different things but we share the same love for puppies and music.

He's a good/bad boy but a perfect friend


Hey! sorry to keep you all waiting, school is not too fun but, i want to make my parents proud :) if you want to also make them proud, be proud about it! dont be ashamed about it!!
i'll update soon 😋

See you on the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!

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