Chapter 30: Eavsdropping

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Chloe's POV:

I was walking around school out of boredom. All of the team went home already and my mom isn't here yet. I came to a dark area of the school then I heard something

"Well, what did you do to her yesterday?" someone said. I looked in a room and saw Chealsy "Ha! stupid, I guess you are closer to her than I thought" she said on the phone. Who could she be talking to? "Ok bye" she says

She got out of the room "What the heck are you doing here?!" she asks me "Walking around out of boredom" I tell her "Oh, did you hear what I was talking about?" she asks "What do you mean?" I lied to her

She smiled in an evil look "Ok" then walked away. What could she be talking about with someone?

🔋The Next Day🔋
Melissa's POV:

"Got you shackled in my embrace, I'm latching on to you" i sang quietly "Was my baby singing?" someone said "Mitch... Shut Up" I tell him "Aww but you sounded wonderful!" he says. I rolled my eyes at him

"Is Baby angwy at Mitchy?" he says "Pissed" I told him jokingly "Hahaha! Oh how I love you" he says hugging me and then kissing my cheek multiple times "Ok ok, you love me I get it!" I say trying to make him stop "Ok fine" he says laughing a little

🍯At Lunch🍅

"Mel!" someone called "Chloe! what's wrong" I asked her. She explained to me about what happened about Chealsy on the phone "So, she was talking to the rodent?" I ask her "Most likely, yeah" she says

"Didn't you tell me not to mind about it?" I ask her "Well, knowing you, sometime when I tell you something you do the opposite so I thought you where still into it" she tells me "hahahaha!!! so you DO know me?" I ask her playfully "Shut up" she tells me "Awww I love you too!" I tell her

Suspiciousness Overload! what could that be about? Oh well

Hey there! update number two!!!! I hope that got your brains working ;)

See you on the next chapter!!!!!!!

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