Chapter 20: The 4th Pop Girl

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Melissa's POV:

Me and Mitch haven't been "ok" yesterday. Sadly I think he prefers to hang with his guy friends now, it hurt not walking with him this morning and he doesn't even noticed that I haven't been coming near him unless he comes near me. He was just with his guy friends talking about their next game.

I was on the way to my class when I saw The Pop Girls come near me... but there where four of them this time "Brianna look! It's Mitch's Gf!!" Chealsy said "Hello There Mel" the so called 'Brianna' said "I'm Brianna Stan, and I'm afraid you picked the wrong boyfriend. You may be Mitch's now but I'll make him mine soon" she said

I got infuriated but kept still and walked away "I BET HE DOESNT REALLY LOVE YOU!! HE STOPPED WALKING YOU TO YOUR ROOM!" The Whole Pop Girls said. I felt a tear rolling down my cheek cause Brianna is a pretty girl and Chealsy may not like Mitch anymore but them and the rest of the pop girls they can hurt someone....

HORRIFYINGLY hurt someone..

🍲At Lunch🌽

I sat beside Chloe who sat next to Felix and Brice on my other side to make sure Mitch won't come near me. Brice is the protective brother me and Chloe never had. Kristen and Chamile kept asking about what happened to me and Mitch. I told them the truth and I felt like crying but I stopped my self because Mitch came to the table.

"Hey Guys!" he says cheerfully "Hey there Jock" Brice says mimicking Mitch's voice "Really dude? I prefer pro at B-ball" he Mitch says in a boastful way "So Mitch! Noticed anyone here on the table?" Kristen said faking a smile at him "Errr we are a team? so no one" he says "Not even someone special?" Chamile asks "Nope" he says

That hurt so bad... How could he say that? "Um guys I need to go" i say "I want to get to class early". "Want me to walk you there?" Brice asks "Hey! That's my job!!" Mitch says jokingly "Yeah! I job you didn't fulfill this morning" Brice said with anger fueling. Brice came with me, best big brother I never had

"Thanks Brice, I owe you TOOO much" I tell Brice "Nah! you don't owe me anything, you're a like sister to me and Mitch is becoming a butt. Don't worry though. Me, Chloe, Felix, Kristen and Chamile can help you" Brice says "Thank you so much" I tell him

🏫Time Skip to The End Of Class🏢

As I was walking, I ran into Kenzie "Gurl!! I heard about what the pop girls said to you. IMMA give them a BIG kick in the butt" she says "No no, violence is a no" I tell her. We walked and talked and then something broke me....

I saw Brianna and Mitch... Brianna was flirting with him but Mitch didn't mind "K-kenzie" I said to her "I see" she said. She was about to kill them yet I stopped her "I'm going to go home now, stay safe and remember what I said" I told Kenzie "Ok, see you gurl!!" She said


I'm sorry to let out pain on this chapter but yeah... I'll update soon again I hope XD them English skills XD

Super Special Thank You and Shout Out:


For helping me with the idea... well I used half of the idea XD but I want you guys to read her books and follow her. Show her love!!

See you guys in the next chapter!!

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