Chapter 11: Just Not Her Anymore

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Melissa's POV:

It's one of those mornings when Mitch would walk with me to school, I think he made it a habit to come with me now. I hope he isn't doing this out of pity, that would be harsh!

I got to my class and he followed me "Bye bff! Don't forget about 'The Hang' this saturday" he said "I won't" I said "We'll talk about it more later, see yah at lunch" he says and kisses my forehead, I smile to my self while blushing.

I got in class and felt disgusted! All of a sudden Kenzie starts flirting with Dane. He just sat there and allowed her then he saw me and winked. I gave him a very disgusted look and went to my seat. Kenzie went beside me, she really needs to keep her legs to her self! What if she gets pregnant with this ass?

"You like him?" she asks me with a bit of a bitter smile "Never! This is just him being someone not my type, a player" I tell her looking away from her getting slightly more pissed than usual. She shot her eyes wide open and just went back to Dane.

I wanted to get the teacher to see this now! she just saw him wink at me and now she's just extra flirting! How?! by getting all arms around him (Like arms around his neck)!!!

When I looked to the front of the class, I caught a glimpse of a glare form her. I just pushed it of, maybe she doesn't get enough attention from her parents. But if so, why didn't she show this attitude in the first place? Oh well, she'll calm down.

🍹At Lunch🍕

I got what I wanted to eat and went to the the table I always go to. The only few people there where Chamile, Kristen, Felix and Mitch "Hey Mel!" Mitch says and all the others said their 'Hi's to me "Hey guys" I said still a bit pissed from the Kenzie stuff "What's wrong?" Kristen asked "Nothing" I say.

"Well if it's nothing can we talk about 'The Hang' now?" Mitch asks, knowing that he is excited about the day we will hang just made me smile. He saw me smile and for some reason blushed "Well? Come here!!" he said. Get a load of this guy!!


Update!! :3 hope you like this chapter guys!! I'll try to update twice or more ok? See on the next chapter!!

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