Chapter 12:Chloe and Me

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Melissa's POV:

I was planning to go to the Mall but I saw Chloe, hmm maybe I should invite her? ok then I will "Chloe!!" I shouted "Mel!! what's up?" she said coming over to me "Well, me and Mitch will hang tomorrow. Think you can come with me?" I asked her "Yes!Yes!Yes! one because you and Mitch, two because I love the mall for it's many books and three cause we're hanging together!!" she said excitedly

🚕At The Mall🚖

"Ohhhhhh!!! let's go there!!" Chloe said pointing at a near shop for outfits. To be honest with you, she has better taste in fashion than me "Try this, this and this!" she said

I put on the first outfit she made me wear which was a blouse with a pink and white checkered pattern and skinny jeans (blue) "Meep! Girly outfit!! Try the second one" Chloe says. I went back in the changing room and wore the second outfit which looks like a casual one

It was a Blue T-Shirt with a puppy print in front with black skinny jeans. Skinny jeans for dayzz!! "It's cute! Try the third one!!" She says. I put on the third one which was another blouse with spots that form a star with the same skinny jeans I wore in the second outfit "Buy them all and wear the third one!!" Chloe said

I followed what she said but before we left I made her buy a new outfit cause I wanted her to accept the fact that she wants Felix WANTS and NEEDS her. She bought a black and white blouse cause she knew that opposites unite.

We bought the outfits and went to the nearest Starbucks. We got a few drinks and went to a table "So, how are you and Felix?" I ask Chloe "He actually... loves me?" she said, I started trying to squeal silently and believe me it's SOOO hard!! "Why you no tell me dis!?!?" I asked her "Well, I wanted to tell you NOW but to be honest, he asked me to be his but I turned him down" she said

We continued talking and she went home. This girl maybe a bit boyish yet her books and mind will always come first. Chloe and Me... sounds much better than Kenzie and Me.


I'm so sorry I wasn't able to update yesterday, I was busy with studies so yeah :/ hope this chapter was enjoyable!! see you on the next chapter!!

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