Chapter 36: Elsie

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Elsie's POV:

After I got a call from Chamile, who is by the way my cousin, I went to the hospital. Really? Who would do this to her? She is a great friend!! I got there staying strong because I wouldn't want to cry. Why won't I cry? Because I was too angry to.

I saw Mel's mom and a few of her friends "Hi there, who are you?" The one named Chloe asked "I'm Elsie, Mel's Best friends, as for now... one of them. What happened?" I asked "Well, at first she...." and with that, Chloe went in explaining what happened. The story gave me goose bumps! I just wanted to run and get to that girl called "Leah" and do the same thing to her... Twice if she doesn't die on my first try

When Chloe ended her story, her boyfriend came to hug and comfort her for the sake that she was sobbing uncontrollably. Stay with us Melly!!

As I walked around, I saw Mel's boyfriend. Mitch and I knew each other before because of Chamile "Elsie" Mitch says "Mitch, I'm as devastated as you are..." I tell him. He sinks to his knees and cries, I wanted to do the same but I have to stay strong. I comforted Mitch by patting his back

Stay strong stay strong! Don't let the tears fall!! Remember what you promised Mel... I closed my eyes remembering that wonderful day before I got separated from her....

💈Flash Back💈

"Elsie, I guess it's time I say goodbye..." Mel says "I know... let's set down a few promises... clear?" I tell her "Sure, you first" she tells me "Update me about all and everything that's going in with you. From love life down to just normal stuff just tell me. Promise?" I tell her "Promise" she says

"Promise me that you won't cry unless it's time to ok? Cry when I'm there or if anyone like your mom is there to comfort you. I don't want you to cry about stuff with the wrong person in hand ok?" She says "Ok, see you soon BFF" I tell her "Likewise" she says

We hugged, then went on our ways...

💈Back to the present💈

Oh how I will never forget that day....

The doctor then came out and looked at us "It seems now that because of the impact of the crash... Mel is now in a comma" he announced. Chloe just dropped to the floor and Felix went down to hold her. Her face full of shock and her once happy glow faded and turned into a very depressing expression

Felix even noticed how it affected her her and just stayed close to her."Doc, for how long?" Mel's mom asked "Depends... it might go through months" the doctor said getting sad "I'm sorry... but there is nothing else we can do" he continued

"WHAT THE HELL?!? YOU'RE A DOCTOR!!!! DO SOMETHING, DO YOUR EVERYTHING!!!! GIVE HER MEDICATION THAT MIGHT HELP HER WAKE UP SOON OR... OR MAYBE ENCOURAGE HER TO MAKE UP!!!!!!" Mitch yelled furiously standing "I'm sorry, just be patient. She is a fighter, during her whole operation, she kept fighting to stay awake. She is alive... just give her time" the doctor told Mitch

Mitch sat down, covered his face with his hands and broke down crying... poor guy.... oh Mel!! Stay alive mah bff!!! I can't loose one of my very few true friends....

Melissa's POV (WHAAAT?!?):

I woke up in a black area "H-hello?" I asked "Anybody here?" I asked again. All of a sudden there was a bright light "Greetings Melissa" I hear a old voice "Who a-are you?" I asked "Dear, I am your grandma" the voice said "Granny Sherry" I say "Yes dear it is me" she spoke

"Wait, didn't you die because of a heart attack?" I ask in a non-offensive way "Dear, I am dead, you on the other hand might" she says "What? No I can't die yet" I tell her "This is when you come may decide to live or to join us here" she says

I thought for a while and went with the right choice... This would be worth all of it "Granny I've made my choice" I tell her "And that is what dear?" She asks me

"I choose to_______"


OMG!! IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THIS IS SUCH A BAD HABBIT!!!! Please forgive me!! I hope this drama was a bit touching.

But if there is one thing that can lighten up the smell of sadness running in our lungs... CHRISTMAS IN THE PHILIPPINES IS JUST IN 3 DAYS!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

I'll update as soon as possible

See you on the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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